Arkansas.—No zinc ore or concentrates were shipped by mines in Arkansas
in 1932, and shipments of galena concentrates were only 6 tons, yielding
about 4 tons of lead. In 1931 the lead output was 78 tons. No zinc mines
were operated in 1932, and all the lead ore shipped was from the Brewer land
in Newton County.
 Illinois.—None of the zinc or lead mines in northern Illinois were
operated in 1932, and the only shipments from mines in southern Illinois
were 56 tons of galena concentrates having an average lead content of 55.4
percent. *The recoveries from these shipments were 31 tons of lead and 257
ounces of silver. Thö output in 1931 was 205 tons of lead and 1,300
ounces of silver. The Hillside Fluor Spar Mines was the largest shipper of
galena concentrates in 1932, and all the concentrates were sold to the St.
Louis Smelting & Refining Co. plant of the National Lead Co. The Rosiclare
and Franklin mines, producing mainly fluorspar, did not sell any lead concentrates
in 1932.
 Kansa,8.—The output of recovered lead and zinc in Kansas in 1932 was
much less than in 1931, although considerable quantities of con~ centrates
milled in 1931 were shipped in 1932. The recovered lead in concentrates shipped
decreased from 7,082 tons in 1931 to 6,490 tons in 1932 and recovered zinc
from 39,051 to 26,277 tons.
 The total quantity of zinc and lead-zinc ore and old tailings milled in
1~ansas in 1932 was 750,500 tons (1,913,200 tons in 1931), and the total
shipments were 8,300 tons of galena concentrates, 79 tons of lead carbonate,
and 49,487 tons of sphalerite concentrates. The galena concentrates had an
average lead content of 79.3 percent, and the sphalerite concentrates had
an average zinc content of 60.3 percent. The following average prices were
received by sellers of concentrates: Galena concentrates $39.20 a ton, and
sphalerite. concéntrates $17.97 a ton. The 507,100 tons of ' crude
ore milled yielded 0.91 percent in galena concentrates assaying 79.3 percent
lead and
7.03 percent in sphalerite concentrates averaging 60.4 percent zinc. The
243,400 tons of old tailings re-treated yielded only 4 tons of galena concentrates
but contained 2.01 percent in sphalerite concentrates with an average assay
of 59.5 percent zinc.
 The total concentrates made by flotation in 1932 were 13,400 tons of sphalerite
and 290 tons of galena.
 Of the total shipments of sphalerite (49,487 tons), mines near Crestline
contributed 11 tons and mines near Galena 27 tons; the remaining 49,449 tons
were shipped from mines in the Blue MoundBaxter Springs area. This area also
contributed 7,529 tons of galena concentrates. Mines at Galena shipped 547
tons of galena and 79 tons of lead carbonate concentrates, and mines at Crestline
shipped 224 tons of galena.
 In the Crestline area all the large mills were idle in 1932, and most of
the galena shipped was from stocks at mines. In the Galena camp most of the
concentrates shipped were produced by small gougers on leases of the Eagle-Picher
Mining & Smelting Co.