of water. It was decided to carry on both sluicing operations and development
of the lode deposits.
 Africa.—The Mining Journal (London), October 24, 1931 reported that
following discovery of a rich deposit of cinnabar in Nkandhla (Zululand,
Natal), there was a rush of prospectors into the district.
 Uzechoslovakia.—Production in 1932 was 1,305 flasks compared to 2,222
flasks in 1931. On October 7, 1932 Metal Industry (London) reported that
the French-owned Société le Cinabre, which has a mercury mine
at Mernik, Czechoslovakia, had commenced operations and that during the first
half of the year production was estimated at 587 flasks. Output in 1931 was
366 flasks. Virtually all of the output is taken by France.
 Italy.—Production in 1932 is reported to have been 956.3 metric tons
(27,740 flasks) compared to 1,298 tons (37,652 flasks)in 1931.
 The threatened withdrawal of the Italian producers from the cartel did not
materialize. It was apparently found that the low price did not justify dissolution
of the cartel; according to the Mining Journal (London), it has now been
strengthened and consolidated. It is reported that under the agreement, the
cartel will continue in force until its date of expiration in 1934.
 T~i a summary of the quicksilver situation the Metal Bulletin (London) stated
in its issue of May 19, 1932 as follows:
 The Italian Government has granted permission to the Monte Amiata concern
to shut down its chief~ mine, Abbadia San Salvatore, and the whole labor
force will be dismissed by September next, following which the mine will
be closed for at least 3 months. During the last financial year, the stocks
of this concern expanded from 30,000 flasks to 50,000 flasks. The important
producer, Stabilimento Minerario del Siele (Leghorn), has also asked permission
to close. This concern holds stocks amounting to fully 27,000 flasks. Meanwhile
the Mercurifera Italiana has also closed down.

 Under date of November 2, 1932, the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic commerce
reported that despite a decided drop in exports from Italy during the second
quarter the exports for the first half amounted to 2,688 quintals (1 quintal
equals 220.46 pounds) compared to 2,241 quintals during the first half of
1931. Preliminary figures for July and August indicated increases in foreign
sales in those months also. Valuations were considerably reduced, however;
in the first half of 1932 the average valuation was $0.84 per pound compared
with $1.35 per pound in the first half of 1931, and quotations later dropped
to an average of $0.50 per pound in August 1932. Increased exports were principally
to Germany, British India, and Japan;
 Mexico.—Production of mercury in Mexico amounted to 7,350 flasks in
1932 compared to 7,292 flasks in 1931.
 According to the Arizona Mining Journal, May 30, 1932, indications of rich
deposits of mercury have been located covering a considerable portion of
Guerrero State and extending into southern sections of Michoacan State. The
Mining Journal later reported (August 15, 1932) that the Compaflia Minera
de Mercurio, S. A., which operates mercury mines near Huahuaxtla, Taxco municipality,
Guerrero State, had asked the federal board of. conciliation and arbitration
for authority to suspend activities temporarily, contending that the price
of its metal had dropped to such an extent operations were unprofitable.
The application applied to the company's eight mines— La Estrella,
San Luis, San Antonio, La Provedencia, El Porvenir, Maria Eugenia, La Aurora,
and La Esperanza.