processes at this site as it may at the other.         Temperature

readings are taken on a weekly basis from all of the thermocouples

within the sand filters. At Site 1, temperature readings are also

taken weekly from the septic tank and from the pump chamber in the

sand filter by lowering a thermocouple into the wastewater within

them.   At Site 2, additional temperature readings are taken from

the sewage ejector pit, from the pump chamber within the sand

filter, and from the dosing chamber by the same method.

     Wastewater samples are taken from the denitrification systems

on a weekly basis.     At Site 1, samples are collected from the

septic tank, from the pump chamber in the recirculating sand

filter, and occasionally from the monitoring well in the sand

filter. At Site 2, samples are collected from the sewage ejector

pit   in  the  dosing  chamber,  from  the  pump   chamber  in  the

recirculating   sand   filter,   from  the   dosing  chamber,   and

occasionally from the monitoring well in the sand filter.

      The samples are collected by lowering a polypropylene bottle

 into the wastewater with a string.    The sample bottle is rinsed

 four times with the wastewater before a sample is collected into a

 125 ml polypropylene bottle with a polyethylene cap.      1 ml of

 concentrated H2SO4 is placed within the bottles before the sample is

 collected to preserve the various nitrogen forms. The samples are

 then placed within a cooler with ice packs and transported to the
 Environmental Task Force Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-

 Stevens Point for analysis and storage at 40C. These weekly samples

 are analyzed for nitrate+nitrite-N, Ammonia-N, TKN (Total Keldjhal