screened interval at or just below the watertable. Thus, the five

wells were capable of sampling the upper 1.5 m (5 ft) of the

aquifer at 30.48 cm    (1 ft) intervals over a 12.2 meter wide

transect as shown in figures 3.1 and 3.4., Well "B" had two

additional poly sampling ports as shown in figure 3.4.

     At Site 2, monitoring wells were installed downgradient of the

mound system in the fall of 1990 as shown in figure 3.5.        The

downgradient monitoring wells were multilevel well nests consisting

of four 1.9 cm (3/4 in.) PVC wells with 45 cm (1 1/2 in) slotted

screens with 46 cm screen intervals.    The shallowest well in the

well nest was placed with half of the screen above the water table

to allow for the annual fluctuations of the water table.

     All   monitoring  wells   were  sampled  using   a  0.5  1/min

peristaltic pump powered by a twelve volt battery.     Samples were

extracted through polypropylene sampling tubes and field filtered

through an in line 0.45 micron membrane filter.  The samples were

then collected into 250 ml polypropylene bottles with polyethylene

caps both of which where double rinsed with sample water after

several well volumes had been purged from the well. Samples were

then placed in coolers containing ice packs and transported to the

Environmental Task Force Laboratory (Lab State ID No. 750040280) at

the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for analysis and storage
at 4C.

      Groundwater samples were collected at the two locations prior

 to the initiation of the denitrification project.    The two sites

 were each used previously for different projects and thus the