At twenty, Bume-Jones passed
   into Exeter College, Oxford, meeting Morris on the first
   day of term, within a week becoming his inseparable
   friend, and afterward writingof him:
                            "From the first I knew how
   different he was from all the men I had ever met. He
   talked with vehemence, and sometimes with violence. I
   never knew him languid or tired,"
                            This first appreciation continued
   to be the same in kind and degree. For whenever Burne-
   Jones wrote or spoke of his friend, it was with a half-
. feminine admiration for the aggressive, sturdy, path-
   imakng qualities in which he himself was altogether
'lacking. The undivided intimacy of the two under-
   graduates continued throughout their residence at Oxford,
   each giving and taking his share in all that made for
   intelectual advancement, the widening of interests and
   the opening of new vistas of thought and life. Burne-
   Jones, filled with enthusiasm for the Celtic and Scandina-
   vian mythologies, gave the impulse which led to the
 Sgreatest literary achievement of Morris. His companion-
   ship, too, did much to raise art to a place by the side of
   "literature In the daily life of his friend, since his character-
   istic drawings, known as "Jones's Devils," and eagerly
   sought after by his fellow-students, aroused the latent
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0ins of his books and letters with architectural
nd floriated ornament.
                 The close bond between the
mg men extended until it included four or five
lid with the same aspirations toward beauty
same indefinite desires to do something for
Yr; each wishing to act according to his own
way. Thus three years passed, during which
leveloped into the most original young poet of
   At the end of this period, Burne-Jones, sensi-
 susceptible, yielded to the virile personality of