problems are perhaps
the most vital in the
whole engineering
profession. The ro-
mance in the discov-
ery of one railroad
device-the air brake
-is vividly described
in Leupp's recent life of George West-
inghouse. "The battle of the brakes"
is a chapter as thrilling as fiction.
The Modern Railroad, by Hunger-
ford, tells in detail about the problems
of railroad operation. It is well illus-
trated and very readable.
The whole subject of railroading-
company formation, valuation, con-
struction, bridges, sidings, yards, loco-
motives, betterment surveys-is con-
sidered in Raymond's Elements of
Railroad Engineering. The upkeep
of a railroad's physical equipment is
described with many illustrations
and charts in Sellew's Railway
Maintenance, written especially for

Specialized books of value are Sin-
clair's Locomotive Engine Running
and Management; Prior's Operation
of Trains, Station Work and Teleg-
raphy; and The Trackman's Helper,
by Dana and Trimble.
The United States railway system is
the most extensive and highly organized
in the world. Competent men will al-
ways be needed in its engineering and
administrative branches.
Ask for these books and for others
on any line of work that interests you
brary service is free everywhere.

American Library Association
Library War Service
Vocation List No. 7-L

