T7O saw t'e interesting circulaf- windows, the one in
the ?outh t'ranopt being called the "Bishop's ye" (1325)
and the one in the North Trinsept, the "Dean's Eye"
(1225), the glass in both ot which is old. The stai ed
glass in the Cathedral is modern and the monim-ents of
little intereot.
""e choir is t-e oldest known example of pure Gothic
stle (1320). The five easternmost bays of the choir
forr the Prebytory or Angel Choir, "one of the loveliest
human works," K. B. says, and certai 1r very beautiful
(.1255-80). The choir stalls (1360-80) .re the most beau-
in TEngland.
-7c had heard of the "Imp of Lincoln" and sa%-v models
   c          okIstores and door-knockers with the "Imp"
.     looed, in vain for the "Imp" in the carving
on the outside of the church. Finally I asked. a lady
>\soing by if she could tell us where it was? She kindly
lked back half a block, and pointed it out to us, other-
in  a :7  oc         2o    A, it i so high up, and
t to  L-ar :noev:~ i      o on.'ui- *r; abotat it.
70 left Lincoln by the evening train, and arrived at
Yoik a  about ten P. M. but not much after dark. We went
to two hotels, both of which were full; at the third hotel
we found a room, ad it .roved to be a good hotel. However,