Glencoe--just out of Chictgo--when rnc returned home.
Wasn't that nice of them? We wish we could so
more of them, but we are gradually parting with all
of our friends. The five ladies who came from the
Savoy with us will go to Florence in a few days.
Judge Evans will be in Rome over Easter, and then he
returns to Naples, from which port he sails directly
home. So we shall soon part with the last of the
Arabic Cruise people.
Sunday morning. It rained la)st evening--the
first rain we have had in Rome. In fact we have had
rain only three times so far on our trip--once in
Athens, once in Cairo, the Sunday morning we went to
visit the oldest university in the world, and last
night. It is all right this morning, only it clouds
up occasionally.
The strike is "off," and the "trama" and cabe
are running again; so after breakfast we took a
cab and went to the National M useum of Antiquities.
We saw many statues and moscics, and busts, all
more or less "busted" and ancient, but Nan says,
"all the more satisfactory for that!" We are de-