We rode for mile2 on thic lovely roi, and szLc the I                1ri
8 dnt  il n  in. ?      crig      Ira                      I
and quite different from -ny other train. %e saw a 1ovlr
sunset from the top of the 'bus, and felt rat' or fright-
ened ev'er- time another 'bus passed, for fear we would
collide, t e 'bufses run so near to each' other. But no
accident hap.tpened to us, and we rode to the end of the -
and they told us to get down . We enj
much, and rm sai a, -cod deal, o- arl
the city.
We h.ad r:t 'r a 1 to ri nor, bu' h: , did no--. i ter
as we had had a ltte lunch. At di ner they charged Mr.
Orr                   1,1r    a   >  no'  rdor 1i. r .  n anid I or-
dere< ''iler 1 " or, but t> did no' co a nder to Or
of "wine," and poor .r. Orr had to pay thirty pfe nigs for
plain water. It is a way they have in this country . You
must order wine or pay extra. The waiter said if we
wanted to drink water, e mu t do it in our roons.
This morning the weather was very warm aaain,    a
started out rir'ht after brea  as   no to " ok's. We