aday, July 13th, Carlton Hotel.
at St. Giles', te old-
t Gilos' was erected in
te twelfth century on the site of an earlier church. It
a mostly destroyed by fire in 1385, and rebuilt in its
esent Gothic style in 1385-1460. At the Reformation
intorior of the church was "defaced and robbed of its
istic adornments," and then it was divided into four
.rate churches by partitions. It remained so divided
il about 1871, when the well-known publisher, Dr.
illiam Chamber,, was instrumental in causing it to be
tored to its original appearance, mostly at his own
Tnse. St. Giles' was made the Cathedral of the bishopric
w-ien Charles I. attempted to re-establish the
scopal church, and it was; here that Jenny
raddes throw her stool at Dean Hanna. The stool is in the
'ttional Museum, and there are brace tabl ts in the church
.o the memory of the Dean and Jenny.
--h preconits an imposin; ap-
cold, arid the stained-glass
indows are modern. Under the wut ' indow i.; a nemorial