
franc   e paid hirm the proper price, and The acnt
the money back by the Porter, twice, upstairz. So
we finally paid the other franc. We donut know how
it iiaened, but he sent the Porter back again, a
little later, with half a franc!
April 16th.
Yesterday I did not have time to write. In
the morning we went to the Pitti Palace. Madam Orsi
was very kind, and walked over with us to show us
the way. It is not a long walk from Madam Orsi's.
The picture gallery is in the left wing on the upper
floor. The charming Boboli gardens are next to the
Palace. "The gallery extends through a suite of
splendid saloons, richly adorned in baroque style
aid embellished with alle-orical ceiling paintings,
whence their name  is derived." For instance, the
"Saloon of the Iliad," and the "Saloon of Saturn,"
"Apollo," "Venis,  etc., ancd there we saw more
Raphael's, Andrea del Sarto's, Tintoretto's, and
Guido Reni'o, and Rembrandt's "portrait of an old
man." There are so many treasures you can't begin
to count them, auod y u are so delighted to see the