
rounded by a group of twenty sainto with thc busts
of Dominicans belowf;t also by Tra Angelico; and
there are several others on the upper floor by Fra
Angelico and his pupils, besides three araall easel
pictures, and a fine "Adoration of the Magi."
There are numerous other interesting paintings
by other ma.sters. After spending some time here,
and walking all through the building, into the lit-
tle rooms that were formerly the cells of tl e monks,
wre went on to the next thing on our progran, the
Foundling Hospital. The most interesting thing here
are the infants in swaddling clothes by Andrea della
Robbia. The "bambinos" are on the outside of the
Church between the arches, and we were delighted to
see the originals of the babies we have known so
long. We had a pleasant afternoon, and Tito was
most; accormodating, and drove us through tlhe prin-
ci .l str:cts so tha'.t wae could see tbc crowds of
poople. Everybody seemed to be going to church,
and the streets were very lively.
,resterday afternoon wie took a long drive to
-ee an old monastery which is on a high hill. a7
passed a carriagLe containi- Re-v. Dr. and Tro.