miles wide. It was f
many poppies. The land about abounds in place
of Biblical interest. At one place high up a'
the rocks a place waB pointed out as Samson's '
ern, and Samson's birthplace i :aid to be a f
miles from this place, but of course we could no
stop to s o any of these
terest. We met some ple
whom we lad. not seen at all onsthe "Arabic." And.
finally we reached this very old and interesting
city of Jerusalemi, which is walled and has elev.
gates, five of which are closed. The population
present is said to be 60,000--only seven thousan'
Mo ode1s,
637) 7ii
Crusaders occupied it. There are
13,000 are Christian.,).
The American Colon  i. i  ated witho't the
walls not far from the Gate o" Damascus. It is a
Community, and the original colonists came from
Chicago. Their aim, they say, is to live the life of
Christ as nearly as possible on the spot where Hle
lived w hen on earth, and 'o do good to all ceu. Th re