11:30 to see the Cathedral!" 've asked "if we cold sit
don Ji to ch.1rch during the service?" and he said in
pio-ornt tones, "Sit there!" indicating a seat behind a
huge pillar where we could not s-e a thing. Well, we sat
for a few minutes, and since we could see neither the church
nor the service, we quietly stole ovt!
"o decided we would get a taximaitor and '"rive around
the city, till 11:30, which we did, and then -"ent back to
see the Cathedral.  re entered at another door, and  an-
aged to steer clear of the old cross-patch verger that
,re saw at first. Of course there is no need of attempting
to describe the Cologne Cathedra]4 as you all know all about
it, and it would be useless for ie to do it. Suffice it
to say, that it is just as magnificent as it was when I
saw it last, in 1880; and we went all over it, and examined
it thorougrhly.
I had no idea Cologne was     ,.c  fine city until -e
took our drive to-da . It is really a very nice towi,
arid 77e didn't notice any bad odors either. Speaki,4r  of
odors reminds -p that we invested in a few bottles of
"Maria Farina" Cologne, of course.
To return to Coblenz. Having had so othing to eat,
we 'ent out and too!, a little walk, and bought sone postals,