provided us with aljpen-stock. , and we ilz a 2niost beautiful
ti Y  ci  :   u  the Qoot>ills and c't'1i Uo 'Wi     vw
of I t  nii   1>I: .    t oo a,-chot      o  one  or ' Co
ocata     at enjo J7le aftere mo cli1 .inj around,
and only stoppirig once in a while to exclaim over the bn
ty of the place and say "how thankful we were for
weather, and our r;eneral go -        i
beautiful place," etc.,
Chamonix is a    l
midst of the mountains, and it is full of hotels, but
a tourist in sight but ourselves. But the,; say in t,
season it is sometimes more than full of tourists.
It :                        1 a vor  ar  nver sice we landed  n S' iter-
land. 'oC bron '  so a >o  .   in.:: to 'h2lonix bet   y0
not needed them at all.
"e made arrangerno-nto; fcr  r- c. l o : Inch and
inule for monday morning; and promptly after breakfast
n "ide and the mule apeared at the door of te otel.
Ard then we started out to do some "Alpine fea 2 of
ring," which Hjan has been eag'r for cv _" Ince cn
4 ." L
