Mr. Orr did Cologne, the Pline, and Heidelb'erg, while
we were in Dresden. Te do cologne, the Rhine, and Heidel-
berg, and Frankfort, and then go to Paris.
Hamburg, Streit's Potel,
Tuesday evening, June 2, 1908.
e left Berlin at 2:43 1". M. to-day, and arrived here
aboul six o'clock. This is a good hotel, pleasantly sit-
uated, looking out on the harbor. Hamburg is a fine city,
said to be the fourth co;.u-ercial city in the world.
It is feeling; the effects of to, "hard times" in America,
and they tell us there are as many as ninety ships laid
off this summer, on account of the panic in Wall Street
1tt winter.
Streit's Hotel, Hamburg,
June 3, 1908.
At ten o'clock this morning we went on the "Rubber-
neck" waon uid had a long drive ab ut Hambur-, which is a
very handsome city with many fine residences with beauti-
fuzl gr:,unds. There mst be 7Zeut,.y wealthy people in Hamburg.
Te also went on a little steamer, and saw the city