Ie for the four-thirty train, and when we reached Al-
ny, we phoned up to Ida, and told her we had arrived.
and Clara not u at the station in Troy, and3 right
d we were !.o see them. The next day  v: auid Oc-e caV
amn to Troy, aid -e had a grand time looki-nr over the
"junk," w ich we had collected, and talking as fast as
ssible while we were doi-g it. So we had a pleasant
ding to a grand trip, of which we have tried in a feeble
itlity you
c'r all the
a- Mings on a trip like thi.

lea      Lat.
10        51.56
426       50.24
403       48.29
406       41.47
421       41.15
30",7 milo J o 1  randy )

Lon.        Renarks
19.31     Gentle breeze.
29.28     Gontlo breeze
38.4)     "od. breeze
45.52     Mod, breeze
55.52     Mod. breeze
65.2V    TMod. breeze
HTook; arrived at ':09 P. .


ly, 31
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