ancient Coptic church is Abu Sergeh (St. Sergius).
Then we went to the Island of Roda, to see te -l:ace
where 'Joses was found in the builrushes. The place was t  0,
but the rus;hes have disappeared.  e reached tl'e Island C
Roda from old Cairo by a curioud old ferry boat, a kind '
flat boat, pulled by a chai_,a
and passed over a wheel at V
There are some fine gardens on Roda, which L)ong' to the
heiro of Hassan Pasha, and at the south end of the island
we visited the Niloreter which dates back to 716 A. D. I
is an octagonal coluxmn, in the center of a well, sixteen  a0
square. It is narked in Arabic measurements. The ell, in
Arabic, is eqval to t.wenty-one and or -third inches. WMhei
the Hile risos to fift-,en ells, the height for general irri-
gation is reached, and it is publicly announced, and there
is grea  r ejoicitg. The  io at iti lo(ant obn; no w
seven *11,.
Thile !7e vmro waiting for the ferry boat to go over to
Roda, ::Han got -good snap-shot of a man with a skin water-
bottle, which he had just filled with water from the !Tile.
The man didn't see her taking his picture, but when he looked
up and saw the cr'.erca, he was very angry, a 1d w- re afraid

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