The journey to Naples was uneventful, except that we met
a nice German lady from Berlin, with her husband. She
talked German to ian with treat satis-action, aprently,
to bot..
Te arrived in   ples too late fc; dinner on the "Arabic;"
so no all had dinner at the restaurant in the station at
Naples. It wasn't a very good dinner, but we had iota of
Th hL7 the tri from 7aplac to Caipri aid the B3luo
Grotto, bot to Sorrento, and dinner, room, and breakfast,
at the Tr :ontana, and a thirty-seven-mile drive by car-
riage, with lunch at the Cappuccini Hotel at A~alfi a:t noon,
aid railroad trip from Le Cava to Naples, and carriages
to and from the steamer and railroad station in Naples, in-
cluding a guide who saw to all the business part of it:
carriages, hctcls, tickets, luggage, etc., (and which we
coul( h.ve :;anaged ourselves perfectly well, only Mr. Kurtz
preforred to have the Guide along), and the cost of the
whole tri> for the two dayo wa.s ten cdo llars each. It seemed
quite reasonable to us.
After waiting an hour on the quay for the tender to
take us to t e ship, w.ve finally got aboard about 9:30 P. M.