thmr, doing it. Nan thought it a gojod scheme, be-
cause "so far, so good," they were clean as to their
foot, anywa:t!
m' visited the Museum,, the Iperial Ottoman
Honon , which is of great interest and importance,
anld contains miany archaeological treasures, notably
t"the finest in the world,"
d  K ;     a   :  mthings recently found in the
excavations of the Euphrates. There is also a large
collection of Greco-Roman sculptures in statueS and
reliefs, bronzes, and terra-cottas. There are a
of sarcophagi of great interest: the Satrop
S   agis from Sidon, of Persian narble, formed
li            ;    one called "The Weepers,"
sh  in   01<~' <~in different attitudes of grief; the
Alexander Sarcopha us, so-called because of a sup-
posed likeness of Alexander, of Pentelic marble,
in a remarkable state of preservation, beaut-
ifully carved with hunting scenes and scenes. of
attle. This sarcophagus seems to have been
prepared for Alexander, but why he was never buried
in it and how it came to be found in a Sidonian
burial cave has 1.                      ic  no n