Hamburg and Anglo-Am. S. S. Co.
March 14, 1908. Steamer *Puritan."
Fourth day on the Nile, if you count te da.y
re started, at 4:20 P. M., for it took all the time
from early in the morning, till 4:20 P. M. to get
started on this boat. The managers make no mention
in the itinerary of the time it takes for disembark-
ing and getting aboard, and all that time iz counted
in the time spent in seeing a city. We were
requested to "sort out our lugrage," and see that
it was put into the carriage in Cairo, which in-
volved paying foes to three porters, out of our own
pockets, besides a lot of trouble. But it caved
the management quite a little ex n      d tronble,
I imagine. What they ought to have done -.-1"; to
transport our luggage from the train to the bo.t
for is, without any trouble or expense on our part,
The disembarking from the OArabio" was poorly
managed. The people booked for "Nile Trip No.1,"
who were to leave Alexandria on the first train for
Cairo, should have been landed first. It could
easily have been arranged. Instead of which, lots
of people not booked for "Nile Tri  o, 1," or any


