achore to-day. We are warned not to g;o ashore at night
---and if the men go ashore they are warned not to
venture into side streets, as they are dark, and not
safe for English or Anericans.
In the morning we are to -,o .shore, and drive
about the city, and see the sights with a guide. We
can see the Asiatic shores of Turkey now and it is
growing cold as we go north. 1y fingers are almost too
stiff to hold the pen writing on deck. We stay at
C'onstantinople (sleeping and eating on the boat) to-
morrow and Sunday morning we run up the Bosphorius as
fr s the Black Sea arid back again.
'e expect to have adventnros in Constantinople.
-  discover th t thn boat on which we booked for
the  ile tri, ha chuiged hands and we are to r;o on the
"Puritan." They changed our tick1et- for corresonding
berths on that boat this morning.
Shall mail this at Constantinople.
Yours over,
A. G. 23.