Cowmay has been tested and4t

approved by

7 of Awmerica's most

eminent dermaatologists

. . . no otlher coamplexion soap
ever lanel sucl unqualified
approval from tnese

And I'd like to be sure you realize something important
-that this approval of Camay comes from the only real
complexion authorities: licensed physicians who have
specialized in the care and treatment of the skin.
After careful tests on all the different kinds of skin,
73 of the most eminent dermatologists in America
unanimously recommended soap and water as a neces-
sary part of skin care. And they gave Camay the high-
est approval as a proper soap for even the most
delicate complexions.
All I need to add to that is my solemn feminine word
that besides being mild and gentle, Camay is also the
loveliest and most delicately fragrant soap that ever
bubbled into a lather of velvet.
If you'd like special help and complexion advice,
write for my free booklet "Face Your World with
Loveliness." Just address me at Dept. YD-21, 509
Fifth Avenue, New York City.
What is a dermatologist?
The title of dermatologist properly belongs only to
registered physicians who have been licensed to prac-
tice medicine and who have adopted the science of
dermatology (the care of the skin) as their special province.
The reputable physician is the only reliable authority
for scientific advice upon the care and treatment of
the skin.
I have personally examined the signed comments
from 73 leading dermatologists who have approved the
composition and cleansing action of Camay Soap. I
certify not only to the high standing of these physicians,
but also to their approval as stated in this advertisement.
(The 73 leading dermatologists who approved Camay were selected
by Dr. Pusey who, for 10 years, has been the editor of the official
journal of American dermatology.)


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