THE HERBERT j. CUNNINGHAM AGENCY, 10          03 EMI     ku St 
j  T    .148              JANkS VILLE@ DIRECTORY                        
A       Jordan Jos. machd. h . 102 Rock,                                
+  ++..:+   + Jordan  Leonard, h. 1.:251Cherry   .::....: "" *
..   ..+:  .. .+ 
';+N   C +!++'Jorda~n+:+ W ni. R. nio:l1d.: h. 102  Rock++ ++  :+ +  ::}
. Jorgensen. Elsie, mald .     582 N. Wshinlgton.      .                o.
E    .  Jorgensen Jorgen K.bricklayer, h. 582 N. W ashington................m

P  ogesnSena, wid. Hans, h., 02 5M'adlson.                      .4 
Jorech math. A. electn. b-.'422 Lincoln. 
Joyce :Ed w. A. s~hoemlr. h. t1108 Wall.   W 
VY Joyce Edw. MX shoewmkr. h. 606 Eastern av. W. 
.. +   : Joyce Eliz. visiting nurse, City Hall,hb. I 06 Cherry. 
W   JOYCE    1HUH M. Shoes and Chiropodist, 304 W. Milwaukee- Tel, 
IWis. 448, h. 23 N. Washington., 
Hugh M. Jr. shoemkr. .04 W,. Mil. i. 23 N. Washington.. 
L  T    oce1 
Joyce Jas. .. plnibr. h. 23 N. Washington. 
L   Joyce Jn.carp. hi. 512 S. Garfield ay. 
L  T.  Joyce Jno. A.. Janitor Grant Sch. h. 407 S. High. 
oy ce Joe n P. bartndr. 23 N. Chatham, h. 11 S. Chatham. 
E .!  Joye, J.   P, +carrier :P. 0. h. 421 Hickory. 
CJoyce Lee, telir. h. 606 Eastern av. W. 
:i   i. Joyce- A.larg. tchr. Jefferson. Sch.  b. 106  Cherry ....".:
 .  :..:"  .:.  : 
Joyce Marguerite A. elk. 30S. Main, h.: 1056 Jerome av, 
.. .0yce Martin, lab. i. 11 S. Chatham. 
: i  J oyce   .M!1eh ].,  sect-forem an ,,,  h .  1056  Je rom ~e  .ia vy,
  : '  :..: 
Joyce Minnie, prin. Douglas Sch h,. 106 Cherry.                 *0 
Joyce Peter :I. wod finisher, h. 203 Riverside.  .               0 
0   Joyce Sarah E. .dept-hd. 20 S. Main, hi. 2 3 N. Washington. 
m Joyce Thos. V. stmftr. h. 606 Eastern av. W. 
3o0y ce WV i. J. embalmer, 22 W.MII. h. 23 N. Washington.       N 
Joyce Wtn. P. tel-opr. C. & N. W. Ily. h. 506 S. Jackson. 
JyeWinifred. wid. Thee. 30'.6Eatrn* 
Jucket                                                                  ..Chas,
H. lab. h. 140. Delotav. 
Sijdd Stanley S. h. 514 St. Lawrence av.,                        Oft 
3udd     wn. H. phys. 12 N. 'Main, h. 514 St, Lawrence av.  . 
Judkins Mary E. wid. Geo. h. 509 Court.       . 
uA unguint Cath. Miss, h. 520 Monroe.     .                         . 
N   Jungblut Eliz. student, i. 520 Monroe. 
in Jg biAit Fred D, driver Hose Co. 3,. 513 Miltonay. w.e 
... ..o.      P. lab.   .. 520   Monroe.   h0 
T   Jungblut Jos. M. driver, 14 S. Jackson, h. 520 Monroe.             ;

Jungblut Matthew J. lab. h. 520  fMnroe.                            j 
g   Junus Gustav. tailor, h. 1)08 W. M-Ilwaukee.                    *-*l

A:11  Kaad       h.lpr.h. 9415 Glen. 
N:V :Kaempfleln Otis. elk. P. 0. h. 13.15 Highland av. 
IJoKaemptlein  hanna, wid. GeO, h. 609 4th a.: 
y      -Kain Anna, seams, Wis. Sch  for the Blind, h. same., 
t    Kaiser F. Jos. shoe repr. 29 W. Milwaukee, h. 820 Hyatt........... 
Kaiser Herbert J. hi. 820 Hyatt,.                                  5 
Kakutke Arvilla  M. opr. Rock Co Tel.Co, o. 204 Cherry.......... 
Pho*e6  Kakuske Aubstin, dri5N. Main h. 111 4 McKey1 blvd.. 
Shom   Kakuske. sHerbe  r, 1N.ain, h   . 1114 McKey blvd.        .. 
.. HE ROCK C.O0 UNT7 NATION                 A       AN . : 
A COMMERtCIAL BANKi+++:+:.... ......  On Demand Cetiicte of+ :  Deposits:+++

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