SuplesBusiness Finn wIth  optn      ieHl      WS.DLE     is 
.                 JANESVILLE DIRECTORY              .     213 
Smith Martha, dom. 109 Sinclair,.S 
Q   Smith Martha; L*d. Stne    Ii. 630 S. 3d. 
S  Smith. Mary,, seams, hi. 327 Lin. 
Smith Maurice W. hkpr, Rock Co. Natl. Bank. h. 461 Logan. 
...  t May C. Mrs. elk. 2.0 S.  Main, .. 203: Jefferson. av. 
XX Smith Nels., hi. 412 N. Ohatham.l 
S   Smith Otto 1& (Smith Drug Co.):h. 6.17 Prospect av. 
hPeggy, student, h. 1016 Milwaukee n,.................. 
S mith Robt. fireman, C. & N. W6 fly. h* 224,N. Palm.               
ak  Smith. Rozie, wid. Mauri~e. h. 4499 N. Chatham* 
SihRoy:K. eug. C. & N. W. fly. h. 5098 Park av. 
Sith Rut], stitcher', h. 657 5. Fremont. 
S   Smtth Sam1 E. bj.J&.. 220 N. River, hA 432 Hickory. 
8 .T SANR a. Cshier, Merchants & Savings 'Bank, h. 101~ 
... Mih  eln-e diha ahe,305 
U5  Smith Stanley J. h. 713 Court.M 
Smith Viola, tchr. Adams Schoo,bh..853 Hyatt.. 
SihWin. G. pntr. h. 1109 N. Washington. 
S   Snashall Bylva.Ms . 224 S. Mainm 
r~Snashall, Kath, Mrs. nurse, 2 24: S& Main. h. same. 
Snow Mary,, cook, Myers Hotel. 
Snow Thos. chef, Myers Hotel.   a  n   temFte.12N       ~e~ 
*4N  fRRCARLES U., ?lumber, GsadSemFte. .0 .Rvr 
AM A     h. 409 N. Jackson. 
Sd 'Flats, 3*33 N. High. 
Snyder Glenn G.. shoes, 18 S. Main, h. 307 Oakland av.m 
Snyder Grace A. h. 417 N. Washington. 
Snyder Jae. H.13.03.Hamilton ay                                   o 
Snyder Jno. T1. h. 417 N. Wasbinglom.. 
Snyder Mary L. Mrs. h. 417 N, Washington. 
84OUE SOPHULS 8. ingr, 13ii        &a HIxot  ume Co. h. 15S. 
j.....  Sollinger Cath. wid. Jno. h. 223 N. Pearl.. 
....... Soflinger Jas. L. condr. C. M.& St, P. fly. h. 223 N. Pearl.

Somers Jos. mech. 223 E. Mul. h. 106.N. Main. 
Somerville.Charlotte Mrs. miusn. b. 807 5. Fremont.. .. 
..Somerville Dudley. designer, h.. 8.0.S. Fremont.. 
Som-merfeldt Aug. hlpr. b..534 Prairie av. 
.....  Sommerfeldt Doris, student,.h. 534 Prairie av. 
so- om   erfoldt Lillian, tchr. h. 634 Prairie av. 
c   Sominerfeldt Oscar C, hlpr. h. 740 Yuba. 
Sorenson.Adolph,. molder, lh. 546 S4 Jackson,w ) 
SSoreason.Louis,. car-repr. hx. 1315 W. Bluff.               ..     . 
Sorenson Neil L. car-repr. h l. 1:315 W. Bluff.                 x 
SSorenson Ole , hx. 1220 Eastern av. W. 
'UU Sorenson Pauline K. instr. High.School, h., 202 S. Jackson. 
i2Sorenson Vivian., car-repr. lx. 1316 W. Bluff. 
.ulinan Helen Miss, b. 420..Main., 
'SlmnJno. leaf tobacco, 630 W. Milwaukee, hx. 420 S. Main.     to