Best Grades COAL and WOOD 
,: ,    Office: ,North  River and Ravine Streets 
Ro0th Phonnes 407, ., FARNUM, Set. and Mar* 
14:     .         JANE SVILLE DIRECTORY     . 
~,  Jenkins 'e d C, hi S'10 Milton ax. 
Jeinkins S. Ethel, tchr. Rock Co. Training School for Teachers, li. 
Jensen Jac. K. pros, Janesville Sand & Gravel Co. . 8297 Court. 
Jensen Jas. 11. v-pres-. Janesville Sand & Gravel Co. hi. 111.2 Wheeler.

SJensen Mary, dlom. 419 S. Giarfield ay. 
Jensen inecook, Ii. *312 W7 , Milwaukee. 
JesnNebson P. bkpr. 508 Jackmnan bldg. 11. 1112 Wheeler, 
Jerg Alf. P, phinbr. 31. ,Main, ht. 402 Cornelia, 
ZJerg 1i',dw. T, sales, 111. E. Mil, h.. 111. S. 3d. 
Jerg Leonard J. elk. 12" S. Mlain, h1. 435 4th av. 
Jerg Ver'a L-4. student, hi. 4*31) 4th av.                      Wm 
Jeromie Amelia X1, wid. Louts 1), It, 14 S. WN'isconitsinl.  . 
J e..ko W'i. It. 12 IN. Oak Hill1 av. 
Jewell Rich, lab. . 410 S. Ringold. 
Joberg  Harold, hilpr. Ih. 618 Prairie av. 
.1loerg J no, 0.r switchmian, h. 61S Y rii v 
3Joerg Nellie, elk. *204 E. MWl h. 618 Prairie av. 
Joerg 11ussell T, brakenin,h, 618 Prairie av.21 
Jd  o It. ns Louis, linewan, It. 11oi9-Peazqe et,  . 
J Jo hns Roy B1. rubber-turnier, h. 1121 Ravine. 
Johins Tillie Misss hi, 109 Pease ct. 
S  Johnson A. F4dw. trav-atid. C. & N. WV R y. h., 303 N. Chatham 
0     ,Johnson Ada . Lsec -treas. New Doty'.Mt1g. Co. h. B, 3, 32 S. Mainu.
U  Johnson Alma, miacb-opr. ht. *18 Galena.                        , 
Johnson Carl, lab. It. ?2261 N, Franklin.M 
t%    Johnson Chris. *The U.plands Grocery) lt-. 137 S. Ringold. 
Johnson Clarence, driver, h. 67" S YF'ainklin. 
Johnson Elia. wid. Ole L. h. 11 IN. Terrace. 
Johinson F"lorx, sec, Janesville Businesis College, hi. 609 Milton av.

SJohnson Frieda. doi. 7412 ]Ilwaukee av. 
Johnson H. S; Mrs. Lillian !N. Johnson, prop. grocers, 111 E. MI- 
O   Johnison Hantinah H4. wid. 'Lymxan 13 h,. 3,1 . 32 S.~o Main. 
Johinson Harvey, flagmian, i. *23 S. Bluff.                   iiC 
SJohnson Henry E. porter, 1). 15 E, IMilwaukee.9 
n to, ht. 33S. B3luff. 
Johnson Julia Miss, h. 318 Galena. 
Johnson Jluno, lab. h., 1612 W\estern av. 
Johnson i.llian 'M, MNrs. prop. H. S. Johnson, h., 6143 Milwaukee av. 
Johnson Mamie, wid. Avery, It "125 Milton av. 
db  Johnson Margaret, wid. Henry, Ii. 613 Milwaukee av., 
Johnson Mlarg. G. hi, 465 N. Chatham.. 
,Johnson Mathias, tobaccowkr. h. 314 N. Palm. 
Johnson iNellie, h. 23 S. Bluff. 
J ohnson Otto,.lab. h. 1234 N. Johnson. 
Johnson .Pearl, dishwasher. 78 Main. 
Jono    Peter S. carp-contr. 1030 N. Bluff, h. same. 
Johnson Robt. lab, h. 1612 Western av,0a 
Johnson Ruby, h. 23 S. Bluff.                                     * 
Johnson Theo. wid. Nichi. h.. 67 S. Franklin. 
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