one egg and a small quantity of flour; mois-
ten with milk.

           YOUTH'S CORNER

             oth. the Great.

  Here is a king. What do you think of him?
Very likely you may judge your father, your
unole, or your brother to be better looking.
Well, I think he looks pretty well for a king.
  For a king! Yes, that 's what I mean.
Did you think all kings were handsome? That
would be as great a mistake as to suppose
they were all good. Kings are people who are
born into, who are elected into, or who fight
themselves into the possession of thrones;
they uslually have great power and wealth,
and use them to make the people fear them;
they are not often much loved.
  Otho hbud a wise father who raised his little
son to be so good a boy that, when he died,
the people were quite willing to have him for
their ruler. His father's name was Henry,
and he was the first of the German kings by
that name. Otho was the first of the Saxon
German kings by this name. He became king
on the death of his father, when he was twen-
ty-four years old, and after many wars, in
which he was very successful, and after he
had worked hard to make the county strong
and the people happy, when he was fifty years
old, he was crowned Emperor, and called
Otho the Great. This was nine hundred and
one years ago. You are many of you old

enough to count back and see just the year
when this coronation took place, but you will
be a good many years older than most of you
now are before you will be able to judge

whether he was as good as his people thought
him greet.

  SW A very pretty story furnished by Mrs.
HOYT, and now in type, has necessarily been
crowded over to next No.



  The State Agricultunl Exhibitions of the
past season, so far as we have been able to
glean from the reports of our own correspon-
dents and from our exchaniges, have hardly
been up to the standard of the years before
the war. It was scarcely expected that they
would be; yet we have heard of no absolute

seems not to have been quite so successful
with her Fair this year as some of the other
States. A report of it will be found in the
first department of this number.
                  ILL INOIS
is reported by Mr. Powers. [See Miscellane-
ous Department.] All things considered, this
wan certainly a success. Hon. John P. Rey-
nolds, the able Secretary, writes us that the
receipts were over $12,000.
  During the progress of the Exhibition there
was held an interesting meeting of the wool
growers of the State, at which the following
resolutions, reported by Hon. John Wentworth,
chairman of the committe, were unanimously
kiolved, That the Legislature or this State be request-
ed to provide, by early enactment., greater protection
against the depredations of dogs and wolvee by aaply
compensating wfom the conuty treasury for lons" sus-
tained from dogs, and by giving liberal dbonties for the
destruction of wolves. The Legislature Can provide the
means therefor by beisn g or Iloenaing dogs or otherwise.
dejed, That, a, long as the revenue. of the cauntry
are derlvede largely from duties upon Imports, as they
nowr are, thesa*me dIscrimInatIons that are now made In
levying those duties to protect the manufacturem of wool,
should be extended to the grower. o twool. If the argu-
ment is a good one that this country should patronise its
own manufactures, it is equally god that the great sta
ples of those maznmfactures shoUd he raised In our own
teolved, That, while we acknowledge our obligatien
WothOr . of the _untr re     .  A.- dne- *


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