Washing Sheep.-WEELAuNKE, WIS.-
Will you, or some of the contributors to the
FARMER give the information whether it would
be loss or gain, as to the price of wool, to shear
sheep without washing?  I am already satis-
fied that it would be highly beneficial to the
health of the sheep, if they could be kept out
of the water, besides relieving the men that
wash them of great hardship and exposure of
  Tobacco is a sovereign remedy for ticks on
sheep, but as tobacco is so very high and its
administration is so apt to be neglected, I fear
many sheep will suffer for want of being
cleansed of ticks, and the owners suffer loss,
unless some other cheaper and easier remedy
is pointed out. It undoubtedly would be bet-
ter for all owning sheep to-apply the tobacco,
if no better or cheaper remedy is found. But
a great many know the right and approve it
too, and know the wrong and still the wrong
pursue.                         A. PICKETT.

  The Milking     Machine.-Some time
since, I applied to you for information regard-
in a milking machine; at that time, however,
you had no acquaintance with it. I have since
seen that it was exhibited in Grcat Britain,
where possibly you may have observed it. I
would feel obliged if, in your estimation, they
are worth anything, for information where
they may be purchased.  G. IL. MARKHAM.
  AyswER.-Don't know. Proprietors have'nt
enterprise enough to advertise.-ED.
  A Voice from    the North.-ODANAH,
Wis.-We like your paper much. We regard
it as among the most valuable of our agricul-
tural journals. We are not doing much in the
farming line in the Lake Superior district; bitu
with some good land for cultivation, we have a
rich and vast deposit of iron near by, which
Wisconsin capitalists, I trust, will soon look
after.  .                  L. R. WHEELER.
  " Gets Better and Better."9-COLUM-
Bus, Wis.-I feel that the FARxER is worth the
money. It gets better and better. The social
feature is a good one.  The book ought to be
twice as large at double the money.
                         A. A. HUNTI-WTON.

  Aiiken's Knitting Machine-MONTI-
CELLO, Wis.-If you please you may say in the
FARMER that we have had one of Aiken's Fam-
ily Knitting Machines in use in our family for
one year, and it really seems that we could
hardly keep house without it. We would not
be without one for double the cost.
                                  D. SEARS.

 Attention is called to John Ferrey's advertisement of
 "Flying Cloud." We have several times seen this fine
 stallion and have frequently spoken of him in terms of
 high commendation in the Fanam. Ile is a noble spe-
 cimen of the popular breed which he represents, and the
 sire of some of the most promising stock in the State.
 W. W. & H. M. Burson advertise their Grain Binder.
 Some two years since, we had the pleasure of working
 this Binder In a grain field near Md"son, and although it
 then gave good satisfaction, we learn that it has since
 been considerably improved. As pioneers in this field of
 invention the Messrs. Burson deserve much credit, and
 wV doubt not will eventually reap and bind up a large
The Craig Microscope appears, alter a hasty examina-
tion, to be all that it claims. See advertisement.
See new advertisement of "American Harvester," and
of the " Cream City Agricultural Warehouse," by L. J,
Bush & Co. We are pleased to learn that this company
are doing a fine business this spring.

                   O THE

Madiron Mutual Insurance Company,
           FOR TilE YEAR ENDING
         DECEMIBER 31, A. D., 180.
Made to the Governor of the State of Wiseonsin, as re-
quired by the provisiona of chapter 103, of the General
Laws of 1S58.
Total amount of accumulations,...........  $327,48  67
Unimpaired premium notes of
policy holders .............. $281,000 07
Cash on hand and due from
policy holders and agents,
for cuh premiums, .........  46M4 60
Ofce furniture ndl fixtures,...  1,000 00  327,464 67
Whole No. policies ised ...... .......... i2,061
Aun't of outstanding risks thereon ........ $15,82.,000 00
Number of policies issued In 1862 ........     7.706
Ain't of outstanding risks thereon ........ $6,069,818 00
Ain't premium notes thereon .............  108,823 93
Ain't cash premiums thereon, less commis-
slon to agents .........................  45,727 50
Amwt interest received ...................   972 1s
Total ain't loses reported during 1862,1 ...  $17,744 16
Total ain't losses paid durihg 1862, 89 in
number ................................  21,413  97
Ain't claimedn for loss, resated as fraudalent  2,000 00
Lsses astd and due..................     none.
Losses adjusted and not due ..............    none.
Lose unadjusted ........................     292 Si
All other clams against the company .....     97 60
Am'tpaid for advertising Lad postage,'     . .... 1,763 6s
Ain't paid for printing ...................  0o H
Ain't paid ft policy stamps ..............  S0000
Ain't paid taxes to Com'r Internal Revenue    82 02
Xxpe      paid, Including all ompensation
to Oateers and Directors, stiloWAY, extra
cerk hire, fuel, lights, and other inddet-
al expens,..... .......98...............  7 s9 9