2% people of ake State of Witswsis    _ pises  i
nt aGd Anembly do enact as forowsi
Section 1. The land., rights4 powers and privileges
granted to and conferred upon the aue of Wiscooin by
AU Act of Congres, entitled ' An Act donating public
lands to the  eeveral state and territorie wich may pro-
=id college, for the benefit of agriculture  .ud the me-
  chI. arua, approved July 2, 18l2, -r her t y aocepted
by the state of Wi conduP   the larms, conditions and
restrictions contained in old act of Con.onu e
  Sec. 2. The governor is hereby a*tbohed ad required
to appoint two comissioners, who", duty It shall be, un-
der the direction of the governor, to *nter upon and core-
fully view the lnda subject tn entry under utb provsons
of the aforesaid act of Congres, and to select and locate
of oid lands an amount not leu than two hundred and
forty thousand acres The msid commislioners shall like-
wise make and preeerv. such dedription uotee. and col-
lect and forward to the executive office of the state nch
specimens of minerals, soils, timber, Ac, Illustrative of
the generAl resoulres Knd especially of the agricultural
capacity of the said selected lands, s the governor may
  Sec. 3 The commis ioners so appointed shall. before en-
tering upon the duties required of them by this act, miak
oath or Liirmation that they will faithfully and to the
beet of their ability discharge the duties devolving upon
them a* such commissioners, so as to best promote the
object, of the said grant, to the exclusion of every other
interest whatsoever; ad the smid commi..ioner. shall, .t
such time as he may designate, reporl to the governor a
full and complete list and description of the Iands h)
them selected, whi(h list the governor shall lay before
the comuissioners of school and university lands and the
board of regents or trustees of the institution contempla-
ted by the act of Congres before mentioned, should such
board have been created and organized at the date of the
return of said list by said commissioners, for their approv.
al; and when so approved the governor shall Immediately
take mesaures to have the said eeletlon of lands spprom
ed by the Secretary of the Interior and certified to thin
   Sec. 4. Upon receipt by the governor of the confimation
 of the said selectloL of landi from the Secretary of the
 Interior, the governor shall cause the maid list to le re
 corded with a description thereof, In a book or books to
 be kept for that purpose In the oface of such board ol
 commissioners, regents, or trustees, u shall be instrunted
 with the managemont and male of the maid lands.
   Sec. 6. The commissloners appointed under this act
   shall [eechl receive live dollars per diem for the time ac
 tnaidy employed in selecting and locating said lands and
 for all expenses thereby incurred, In fall compensation
   Sec. . Bills allowed under thu act, if sanctioned b]
 the governor as correct, shall be paid by the state tress
 urer out of the general fund, upon the audit and warran,
 of the secretary of state.
   Sec. 7. The sum of thirteen hundred dollars, or so mucl
   thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, ta
 carry out the proylsions of this act.
   Sec. S. This act shall take effect and be In force fron
   and after its pamSage.

   Legislative.-The following is a list o
   the scts of general interest passed at the lat
   session of the Legislature:
   Memorial to Congrels in relation to the enlargement
   the Erie Canal and of the Fox and Wisconsin River 1I
   provement to admit of the psge of gunboats.
   To provide for the assistance of voluteers in the ser
   ice of the U. S. Government.
   Reiative to the commencement and prosecution of civ
   actions against persons in the military service of th
   Relating to the sale of lands for the unpaid taxe c
   the year 1lt1 in certain ces.
   Relative to the trial of offense committed against joli
   stock companies.
   To provtde f r the sale of lands for unpaid taxes In ce
   tam cam".
   To extend the time for the expiration of the charter,
   the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company au limited b
   the act of Incorporation, approved March 4. lS6t.
   To legalize the Wae of the Beloit A Madison B ilros

and to reortgnie the Beoit A Madison Ralrrad  onpa-
  io revive and eonthaneu.force the chartr of th. Green
Bay & Mlabeota Railrood Company.
  To appropajate to the Wisconin letitite  ir thb edu-
cation of the Blind, and to the truatees thereof, tbe um

the iUn of 54t00_
   To authorize tbe governor to fsrnish tourniqueba tor
 the use of vohanteeru.
 To apropriat. to the governor from the w*r fnd the
 mum of pfoo, to be used e a militar% contingent fund.
 To appropriaep to the governor the sum of $OOO for
 contingent epenlturea.
   To provide f.r lay ing a state tax for the year 1863 for
   the a.pport of fismil eoof r luntseer.
   To provide for levying a state tax for the year IS0
   To authorize the borrowing money to repel Invasion,
 suppress invuion, and defend the state in time of war.
   To graduate and reduce th)e minimum amounts for
 which the swwmp and .serftoWed iad. belonging to the
 state may be sol l
   To *ppropriele t7 the St. Mary's Hospital In the city of
 Milwaukee the sniln of V3,)00.
   Authorizing the governor to take eareo (f the sick and
 .ounded soldie -s of the WibcouDin .oluateers. and appro-
 priating money ont of the tresenry for tb-t purpose.
    To prui dl for cwmpensitiug partirs wIh  property
 may be injurled or destroyed In conseqluence of mobh or
   To ruthoriz, tnwns to asesm and collect additional school
 moneys in certain case, and the town clerk to certif
   To authorbie the entry of judgment In actions brought
 against persons charged au jolutly liable.
    To authorize certain partie to be sworn and examined
 as witnesses in their own behalf.
   To provide for the pureha  of certain coples of Web-
   stdrb Dictionary for the supply of deficient school dijtricts
   of the state.
   Jiemorial to the Presldent of the United States, asking
   for the establishment of a Military Hospital within the
   limits of the State of Wisconsin for the sick and wound-
   ed soldiers of aid State.
   To amend section 77 of chaytor 19 of the Revised Stat,
   utee, entitled "of highways and bridges."
   Authorizing the borrowing of mon  on the fith and
   credit of the state, to defray extraordeiary expenditures
   d To provide for cotinting the work on the ate capitol.
     To provide for the collection of subscriptons maAe to
k p  u y  b o i t a ~ z  t o  to lu n te e ra   a n d  ii ah i p t o n a
 to   s u p p o r t

  t      o   oese       r     eriet         o f a btee-
  auo thorisie the at~eterrn      crtoo      tt
  tho oi from their *anual reports detailed *tatements of
  ttereceipts eand dbubourcerenta of the rnr fuud, the allot-
  ment fund zad the fund ID aid of the fhmilee of volun-
    To provide for printing an additional number of the re-
  port of the superintendent of public Instruction.
     To appropriate the sum of S8,00 for the purchase of
  stationery for the use of the state officer, and the next
  leI s ature.
fTo amend an act entitled "of the sale of lands for tho
e payment of debts by executors, administratorti and guar-
    To incorporate the Penokiee Iron Mining and Railroad
    lTo require the mupenteudent of public property and
  trustees or jiprintendent of the Insane Hospital to pur-
  chase certain furniture frotu the state prison commission-
ui CqmmerciaL-Early in June a meeting
nis to be held in Chicago for the purpose of de-
If vising plans to secure the enlargement of the
it Erie canal. G'ov. Salomon has appointed sev-
,eral delegates to represent this State.
of The markets are now quite favorable to those
iy who have anything to sell, and prices must

d, still continue to rise.







