are improved in proportion. And, not the
least important, tbhj k fertilie iU do no harm.

       8WI  t If.tI T1  l J!:k l t I,

  XYd.; Wt sut'Agide' trjs7 !   ¶Wa'rd
envo aend to Wme,;, r°* hpve tiw,enoung,.,
If you cannot tiff6i  Otdrwhkse'thgm,, gathOr4
*  'ti~se;A '!and 4oW doeii' $rt s6hi6' lipare edrner,
,i,,,,''.I(,.:. ,:, 'I   .I , If.
at ir. a yesr or.t^o tWnsqlat, A~hpm; ,atd iji
a&fe* ftatst'thol jrdyed, kpjiedrsnae of yburn
pyemioes wiil more {han pay.for the troubie
  ,. r .         I .:.  ,

t'iftYh e'  iried, ee6islly, pliant ''but shad&
treeq. Tieir ,?A4e Aouj    e, Aioute sri1Tbe
grateful on miany n &E ht summer iday,, and the
breeze c     ; ini 4 t~e-pp.n irihow will be
tempered to afmostrefoeshing'coelhess. Then.
a house looks more like the residence of. a hu-
man being eool~in him :when it, is cosily
embd'we'rbd % thettndsttcif oter-sorhintg'trees
andiWter lcing. ipe5,  fow difiere'nt from the
lonely aspect of a garighthousd, bleaching and
scprokipg in the s"n~f'um ,mer, shivering and
rattling in the blasts of winter !
  What do you' reme ibIeiW most ieIcUly about
the home of, your chl14hood?9, hS i  ot tte
well-kno'tn tree under whose shadow you plaf-
ed and areamed the dreams of boyhood'? dn
every bough habgs d memory3 and tender re-
miniscences closter, botit it 'as t1ick as. the
leave. on its branches. Plant trees, then, to
make your horhes attracti.*e, and eomfortablei
andlto waken into life in tbe hearts of your
chlldreit ar affection for the old homestead,
which will Pow 4steonger andstropger as time
carries them away from'the 'hearthotobe-
which willhe'a qure siafeg'i ard ag46st'temp-
tatios and ailurementsto vioec.  i.-
  There'is ekoioi' in' itb  'h Ilditigs ptetectea
byshade will, last, loager,, bqt the trees must
nibt'be so bear aIs t ita&*fe, or 'to 'dense as to
prevent a free Circulation of air.' $}ieis
pleasure in ithus beauthfyiug tyour ;hoxe.s.
X     is,! h,,ab~t ,~f, befti'eqsit ,tudtd by thls,
strivin ,f ikr beauty whAc  nwilrlunaly ilees
tWinerayttc ofmalne oir faauyiateieratFionsA
  We may cootbine b~eauty writh utllity .s4

pahtttrebFrlaiola je va*u, £or jjtb~Cj
pupesm.., 'le YXelew.tLoee. mne ewMUq
poetb. - Th*et ,ay ;be. plstod, six, neete Aar
andizm     f e lnarru ,sla. every ItersA,,oq
,beaut t;,, thew, in, %,aftw eae, ,q
aetae Me af;t ahd,l psny ho ru 4Rpl4.,v
i-teitalveslfor enoe.paet&  Inprqneos af UWA
the remaindai of theold. esa my  be. cut,  A
theasbhotaifn, those tat were prqvieusly kt
trained, withWa pery MA&W cre, to supply thiz
place. The locust graws VerwX&pi41j,, and i
prairie; districts a little p   in O&W prodo-
tion williply handbomelyte PAy no.hipg of
the beauty of the te,, ,or ,its fragranoe wL9,
inblsom.    .
  The Sugar Maple grows quite slowly, but
may be made valuable for manufacturing su-
gar. S'eleic trees -tiat aft geod size, sad out
off the top, leaving the trwnk about l2feet
long if possible. The tree will be more apt to
grow and will have a handsomer top, and, upoi
the size of the top in a great mesure depends
the amount of sugar yielded by a tree. We
have heard of maple groves in this St4te thsa
ybeledi a good supply of sugar the twelft
year after. planting. . They may be set in rows
along the roadside and arouud the house. Fif-
ty trees will make quite a respectable sugar-
bush. The maple is a handsome aud remark-
ably clean tree, not infested by insects as axe
very many trees usually selected an shade trees.
The m~ples may be set with the loousts,land
as the latter are out out may be allowed to take
their place.' i '
  The Chestnut is also 'oa haidsome tree, and
quite easily raised'  There are some' in this
city, twsenty feei in height, that halve bor'
nuts, and others fnd no difficuity ihn making
them live.
  Of course these do'not take the place oi
fruit trees, but are better for the purposes oi
shads, as frui trees grow so much smiser, with
ui t'%n'at the 46it; and besides, thet- in&ay h
phpjd in moriq xejos d 'jit"PatioiM, ,aI
readsides,,   .t, we &re. wrhor M lneLd to
thle o0ihiq Thiat the 'otlbei' of tfij:Ifif* LI1t
cust, the sugar of 'te Msie, an' the,94


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T,'I[:ErW LOIC 0 YEA N )TA WX9Ut4,