
Europen tour, editor's, 36, 80,
         1209, 19, If7, 271, 340,
                   .................  471
       statist~lZ...c..   .................. 425
Evet05u5, trnsp    lan g from
     woods .............................  W46
Eye, hore's, disease. of, 13, 174, 223


pcee, Wahr .....      ......... 116
Fain, agricIturSi .............3 46, 352
                "in  Switaer-
                    hlad,.  . 440
Fsrtmer, a  off .................. 2t0
Frmer's Ilf, tiae, ................  10
Farming .  ............. .. 3e3, 407
   the roud to poor ................ 322
Feed, cor mgs.          4      4i3
   racks.   .  ........................448
Female eahers ................ 188
Fenoe timber   .    ............... 247
Fever, milk, &e, . ...............   452
Fink.theapple, ................ _   414
Fireside angels ................   °90
Fla    ..       .   .    ..... 124, 398
   cotton   .     .     ....... 110
Flower beds, renovating ........... 269
  Flowering bolb, (ilIustrated,)... 275
  Flowers, prety, (llustrated,)..... SSI
Fodder, take care of, racks,...58, 448
Foot-ret in  oattle ......................  411
Foreign popilation, our  ..    425
Frtt tions of an acre . ................... to 5
France at world's fair, ...............  444
    Editor's travels In..... 8t, 120
    military resoltrces ol... .... 194
French  merinoe= ........................ 176
Fruit raising in 'Wixcnsin .    16
    culture. hints tw writers on, 414
    and sba ie tree, ............,,.,.145
    treeP ........... 414
    freea, new way to protct,.... 14f
         remnedy for barres-.... 22
         what are hard5 ?...7 W, n73
     bhet to do w ith sunmer ......K. '
vrnitl. pirerving. ------....5.
    ripening of ....................3.
    how to jitit up .. .................. ii2
    Wionsin, this iar ............ 415
    .,ulr   u)lrll ....................   ....

 ;llUf.R,I ,          ....... . :k;f
 Gaillardia. tl,-, (illosti ated, ........ ;77
 hard ningl  ladis................... 37
 Garden.. hints  for, .....................  141
 Germany. Editors travela....271, 349
 General Ills, .... .................. Z0
    tIriat                    2,......................., 2 9
    L.ogn ............................. 2-7
    slwrnX lart,  ..........................  _6
    Sterl ...2...................2,
 Girls and byo ...................... , 162
 God sod our rative lan t............. 35
 (lId mines of Nova Scotis.       . 39:
 Governor, educational letttrs to,.. 120
 Gopherp, trappin .......................I
 Grain drills ......................
     growing vs tvk .................
 Grasseet.covering..         . 13.
     orchard . ............I.............
     lanidis, top drrssin ..i..n...20 1
 Grandifiora, iMa1lwe.iltlGrtrat1i.) ]St
 Grape. Concord .414
     Delaware......................  411
     the Yeddo.                 43
     culture ...................,   4N
 Grapes, their culture .................. l
     pmresrving .  .................. 411
 Greek fire ..................   3'0, 411
 --Grub" in head of sheep  170, 411



larvesters, improved, (illuetra.
    ted..; ....................... 184
lardy variet, 5 ...................... 415
Ihy, curing clover ..................... 250
     m.a.g. ......................   213
   messuring     ...2............. 82
leaith of children in summer... 342
ledges, am .       .....................   7
lloeid.lberg, editli's fisitto, .... 073
isddewigi,(lIllstrated,) ......   143
8emp and flax....................  396
liTes, bee, (llustratsd,) 182  4, 27
      2%I, 328,....... . .......... .70
Romlny cakes..........        207
Roney locust ..   .........      7
Honesty, cosmercial ................ 109
Home comforts ..................   391
Rome, courtesey st, ...................391
   education ..................   IbS
   tyrants.      ..................  4
Fops, culture of ..................   248
Ulorses, bots in ...................,.410
   cribbing in ...................8ti 9
   early traIning of .................39
     English thoroughbred, ori
       glun of     ................ 45S
   .ate ot In Australia ............. 3
   fKet and legs .................... 453
   feeding oats to ...............   368
   .1ercie.        ...............13
   *-yea, diseasee of ....... 1, 174, 2°3
   Ibreachy, core ............     13
   better saddle ............     252
lHorticultural society ol Madison, 147
     crzps1 ............      145
   prizes for 1,4............374
ttouie.,poultry,(illustramtd,) 238, 372
Ilumanity vy. toads .................2. S
llunbandry, sheep,lc loy-l states,
      .2........... 408
 Hulks, corn, for cloth and paper, 22
 IfyaclintHb to zrlw in watar .     IG

 Tceln -rga, ..............................  T4
 loe hou ..    ........................ 109
 Imagi,S:tionvs reality ............... 210
 Indian story .......................   137
 Inidies at world's fair .................. 316
 Iowa, gleanings from ................ 251
   Etate fir .......................   405
Iron, immense deposit of ........... 382
Italian horeybe   o ..................... 371
Italy at -rrd'. fair .       ................. 3 4U


Jak.n"s,    l pt, fr .................. IVG
Jamaica St woilId's fir ............... :;6
Jellfy,currant ........................ 34S
Jun-, nFrq -ltion  Fr ................fr. . 29

K  i~nfss agliculturalcollege ....... 3013
Kenuictt, D.-, John A ..............2..95
Knitting mac-hine, AiLen's .........  239


1.ady. at e So      ..               1f7
Laughing .tid crying.          470
taimedsing of wool instominch, 1.1
Lasing~troth patent, ili ............... 92
Lands, acr'l college, Wisconsin,.. 441;
Lawns, mowing .............      2 ,23
Lawton -tasckberry, winter kill-
     itig of........ .       45C.
Latin D oitiS at world'. tair...... 443
Legilainre, ihe..2, 1159
L tters, origi, of .............. , 2S8
Lime chlorid' of .............. . 51
    water for pi...     ..    339
L.ife, prolonged by care .  I. 1
    issurance.........1.         1 1,1
    Iocial, in United States ....... 20f


Lice, new remedy for bark ........ 376
Limbs should not be exposed,.... 118
Locust, boney ..  ....... .....  7
Looking ahea     d .................. .  20
Luther, sketch o    t ..................  28


Malta at world's fair ................. 311i
Malope, grandificra, ................. 1_0
Manure, surface spplication of,... 3d02
Marriagee .................. .  74
May, sugge.'tinf .... ......... _. 168
!Ifilodeon, (illnbtrftefd,\ ....... 41
Mechauics msters of the world, 468
Meai lo sheep, Fincbch........... 176
Mexico, amra ad popuaton.... M39
   New, Judge Knapp on,._.46. 398
Milkiag, facts abot     t ...67
Military situa   tion ............. . ...  118
military resources of  ransoe  194
Mill, first saw .......................... 468
Mineral wealth of Nevada,..    418
                Arizona..     418
Mines of Nova Scotia..   .    392
Money goes ai it romes  ...     20
Mower, Ohio, (illustrated,) ......... 188
Months, names of .   .4..............
Monsters of the doep .............. 193
Mortar making   .   .          283
Mothers, influence of..        231
Mozart         ......   .       29
Merder, crime of .    .............. . _  110
n* urt at Bylan. .            234
Murrian, dry, cure.   .         432


Nalo..l-ti  art of war  . .118
          idea of making war,. 35
National Acr'l Department.      90
       affairs, 36, 80, 119, 169,
     lWd, 230, 271, 309, 347, 396,
     4.32 .474
National statisti.s.        ... 23
Nations, Latin at world's fair.  443
Neatness, how to secure ........  263
New %loxico, Judge Knapp on,
     45 .................... .. _. 298
New Foundland at world's faiir,... 401
New South Wales,            ... 401
New Zatand,                 ... 411
Nova Scaiaa,                .- 369
November's 1utie ..................... _401
Noxious weeds. ................... 173
Nuteery, first American ............. 148
North, the, Swiss ibr.................. 441


Ontrs si i ...................   443
as. . ixing with wheat ..............  30
October's work..... 353

: Unwt  . ga1 1lz ssa>Xw...... 3
   mean dogs in...................... WS
Old, usvrr too, to leara,............. 28
   .cho.lo,4hotse stove ..............  28
Orchard, keeping cultivated .  15
    gres           .89,
    eroafable hints for ............. 67
    . ultltre in West,................ 2 297
    ,Evding down .............,. 297
    cultivating      ..335
Otho the  Great  ...  .................... 430
OverdoIng . .............................. 155
Ox  cY.  & Wic ..........................  . S8

Pawr-umakers, SUal of 1............... 81
    ..*f c..rbucks.............,. .. 22

iPastures, C'ad, imiproving............ 7
Peanuts, coliure,..... 66
i Pearl. large .110

-an Oft n. to - sIbt................ 4-Y

- . - - I I - I . . ............... -