
but s
and it would    u a e 1 gon t  thtX
v:-^ould jo f~wi,4Y2~g
--th betftyul1  4wdV ai4ifilthelbWW
,flt of tlxePTp            a ib to
"At.              :... ..; :. .-...... r; ; ..nlj
  But th einesthe1ipidzihmit wib e'ardl *o
to dwell. If hs thlqotaf~pecial provriernc
be norreOt, todr~y bti~erdingtsin thein~
.press of hi  ;"t 9t1t.
people, worty- of t  s" feea beaeetext-ipi
6titutioni-b64yiihled .ut lby t4r %ikers.- But
in this eYnnt,' tjeE;r" se_  ooy
L.A-      k*  .   h

for i0e 9  bi&*ljoT fCaqVvp$ t* qijuifng out
Of the lavelqldere' Fevllk- "4- "lke it may
require Ahweli hde- aineesof-the American
ric Whtie thh'ii~t* atgd,4ft:& doc-
trine be not true, ;'   case is still worse, and
altogether more hopele  i -:
  .What the.is thevvnedy? -'lt ie ttis: Lek
)every maend puza and patitc inbteniens and
-aspirations, Aauterfrs  ski-    w tbati he
.atande sqrely upon. the lineonf dtaiot Liltagri-
: t, frown: upon, soniaur, aa    fat As pocssiPd
jible bring to justie. and' : ao  ig  puninhmnt
CSvery one who attempto.doerandiitle -Govern-
iment. The evidnces-nse-tlmtitielpuhlie eon-
jAience of no peepea -Was!.erer. moiteAetribly
. debauched, and unless Spond-=e erywhere
and in all statiozo trouserow tikeir Weep and
-like sailors in a slaking hip goU4-work to put
X siAop to the fowiug tide of; vetlity and com-
-mercial corruptionr, history. will write. us, nay,
We are already i a nvtio= deoma-aad deserv-
ueldly damned. -;      -

          Have Ytnoan Io'   UJB i

-t qan be ntadojvqy           bj wkn the
luxury of ice i   ,u.fii iis. ognce enjoyed, it
' iU  no  b   Icdlyjrfivef- p.-  If'-  o  better
.tructurew eabU btcW    btft3ttaiida#-mm in
one corner of the wood I! I     ..Ai.7 ed
where room cannbe B P    p    'rtheat cor.
ner is:,ett. . --     .       C -:
S Jeti'are of vuptsgluytea~bt-~at en

two rows of posfe afodt, apartlo tjhe oher t wo

WusereI~u~reimiIM     adii eiweiwmidt
SPwstt 4 bsrlL;,s .1,--jni.j,   ad.! n  .. % Prri::'
- ;  owlsnace r,,wu1 vitemsbo xle
ruih i 'uN  Ike= iobX is.foubekwebekLa.hf
. - ahtib-pp ,s~m.pIdkid4_oUt  W.Mst
f'snavdifut - siu .Lpaoit el    it
ha     e. a-      i _ee ,      lh*tbic

and thwe'ides Hofakpai roe*4 and'hill*s t
sawdust. A                  a foot thie
bndL.fiUupt1 tb. .oel wlti aeaw. PAsked
ois wan in. eaeagk, to Sapplya is fily OF
.iveragepPtbe to'.  kepi, &64    the -Shasoj
thoisgh.,-,aie Farmr. .     -

h fj Illinois nowr itsi atbq forimost rail-
.sd   btou. Fr* t= kEcoot very. ehaustive
meesage-of Gevernor Ytee, wlaiat thst iherj
are three thousand miles of railroad in opera-
Viow within the bounds of the Btte, and- t#a
withJ   ten yearm thee pictal inuected in the
construction of reAlroada has increased frnm
S1,44%,MO7 to S104,M66-1.


-~. -.- r7 =_-~.
     lXa't ~n   jR *'6n    Popwer I

  P!:bf. Agasslt--7.n a tecent lectMre In Boston
ion the ' elephant," sid:'
  Irt Is'a faVrlto saling  ht' meiteare gov-
erned by reason and animaIl by instfnet *but
I believe that is---awrong. There is no dis-
tknotion of kind ibetWeen the. tWo,-bit only of
deti#ee.:   - '    ~    '-
  A Ni we eomie to, the MOOigher aflraa, we find
sithbraja largesIW'proporttoft td the siize of
the bEdy. BrtE tht dbes not~provd D difetent
hi~ of aetivity d-lliese parts, but only differ-
eht ictentity. - -
: -No Wou Iet-et sce ir there is any difference
in the mode of actlon of the biains o2 men ind
an-its:.  Fvry sesetlon,--to h.Wfelt,:must
p:oduct a reot&enb  'AI all ifis' see, hear,
gmbln and taste"as welase we de, theiefore the
reavtennmudt be the same, and the 6peration,
so far as the body is concernbd, 'is the sie.
Nerti -our pereptltons -Influence our aetions,i
.htbrogh the opjratias- Of; ke mind;-and ini
the animals the same influebne npon their ao- j
tion is to be seen; hre again is perfect simi-I
larity. Althoug k.j  difference o the iintensi-
ty of these actions may be great in different;
naimals, yet the principle ia the-same. : .
. ":The animals gratify theirappettes, ain so
do we, and in the Bae-manner.- For instance,
         every   hs s: dgs plyiugegnlytorthej
pleestue - of *plng. '-just- nman -dao. And;
.ie rli~tght, hee ire *&o snmetha~tthevmedve
.hs iipiflue~oos thtem. is not th mir-ue that
         i .Wq ue  - Again.mine  hamoemery
4tUQi aeK e isve; azd .tey  ar' tK  tha don
**oa.,betwmi qse: and elfo nd this it'

snuqvl4. tit~Wnu     yd . if,^iiralt hd no


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