
            THI CONVOLVOLUS.
  Some people are persistent and eternal in
their likes-that is, if the thing first liked does
not change its qualities. We am frank tutacu
knowledge that we tgte one of that class of old
fogies. Ever since we waked up one gloriouf
morning, away back in the radlant and joyoui
days of childhood, and fband a most wonder
ful profusion of frail, etherial, and exquiuitelJ
beautiful funnel-shaped corollas of diverse hui
nad, delicate tint-blue, purple, pink, variega
ted and purest white-peeping in at the win
dow of our little chamber, and hanging in i
more than rainbow arch over the doorway c
the dear old cottage where we were born, th
Morning Glory has been a favorite flowei
How could so beautiful a flower unfold in a:
its perfection in a single night? How coal
so many of them appear, as by magic, in th
fresh, dewy morn, where there were but trai
ing vines and clustering green leaves just tl
evening before?  And then, how could the
come forth any beautiful color they chose
These weze the mysteries that bewildered an
delighted us in the sweet spring-time of lif
They are mysteries still, just as then; pir
the witchery that could so clothe a plain hun
ble cottage in all the charms of Eden's bow
is not less wondrous and potent to-day.
    On one account the M1orning Glory is eve
  more beautiful now than then.  Its closii
  with the morning sun was a grief to our chil

heart. Why should it. not continue in bloom

2h heart. Why should it not continue in bloomo
e whole day and summer long? Even the
erpetual succession, with increased variety,
as hardly full compensation.  Now, to the
'e of experience and added wisdom, it so
eautifully symbolizes those pure and frail
hild-flowers whose faultless 'life on earth is
at a single morn, that we love it with a ten-
lrer passion still.
We have no objection to the Dianthus Red-
swigi,' and Malope grandiflora; we would
alfe thbin too; but give us, evermore, the good
id-fashioned Morning Glory.

Is another of the common plants worthy Of

