THE WISCONSIN FARMER.                                   

is the trotting course, and between the two is have we noticed, and very
few choice plants.
the ampitheatre, in front of which stands a We think the Society is quite
to blame for
well arranged speaker's stand three stories this, as they have not provided
a suitable
high. Ad joining the Ampitheatre on its rear place to show them. It is at
best but an open
is the LADIES' AID SOCIETY R.freshment Stand, shed, where all the wind and
dust blows Un-
gotten up in this wise: The good ladies of cerimoniously through, which no
Dubuque, realizing the wants of soldiers fan- much admires. The day was wound
up with
ilies, gratuitously bring in of the stores of fast horses, both double and
single teams.
their homes, and here it is offered to the hun-  An hour spent in the Fine
Art 11.H1 on
gry public in as acceptable form  as we will Thursday, presented i scene
for admiration.
find at any first class hotels. No expense at- It is well filled wih choice
articles. The
tends the entire operation, and the entire re- walls are decorated  with
nllmerouis flags,
ceipts go into the Aid Society. We have not rany of them having seen service,
and been
had a larger bill of fare offered us in a long too much shattered for further
use and sent
time, nor ore that we found more palitable, home. Five such aro here suspended
than "roast pig and fixingss"' with a tip top
                                        f meny has been the groan ahe  the
smeto as

The fair was favorably opened this P. M.
by some timely remarks of the President and
the "hbooks are closed."  We like the idea.-
Instead of spending half the time in entering
and fixing, one'day winds the matter up and
the fair is in running order. Wednesday is
ushered in with bright prospects, and like its
predecessor is likely to be very warm. A
very good attendance, and committees com-
mence work. The ground allotted to machin-
ery is not as well covered as we hoped to see
it. Kirby, Seymour & Morgan, J. 11. & J. P.
Manney's, and Quaker City Mower, comprises
the class of reapers, J. II. Manney taking the
premium on its class, and Seymour & Morgan
as self-raker. Seed sowers and drills, quite
a variety of corn planters, and two wheel
horse cultivators make up their department,
excepting the lesser lights of washing ma-
chines, wringers, &c.

  The Fruit and Floral Hall now looks its
best. In the former there are in all sixty en-
tries, and cover a large space of table. We
never saw finer specimens or better colored
ones. Many were very large. Some Alex-
ander apples are over fourteen inches in cir-
cumference. As a whole, we think the sam-
plo would be difficult to beat. Tile Floral
Hall is more scantily filled. Indeed it hard-
ly deserves to be called floral, so meager ii

the representation. Asut a singer r-s  0a -

Beside these are si a rebei flags. captured by
'Iowa boys."
The Ladies' Aid Society have here another
grab, in trinkets for sale and "tickets in a
game of luck." Now you know I am death
an all such; but this morning as I passed the
stand, two eyes, blacker than any bur oak
coal in Wisconsin, so pleasantly, bewitching-
ly, and temptingly asked your humble servant
to "buy a number in her album," with the as-
surance that she "thought and almost knew
I'd get it," that my heart was brought into
submission. An hour later and the prize was
mine.-    Not the black eyes, but the beau-
tiful Alburn
  Cattle are limited, being eighty-four entries
only, in all classes; but some as fine as we of-
ten meet. A Durham bull, brought from Ken-
tucky last spring, weighs 2,200 pounds, has
many fine points.  Another weighs 2,600
pounds. Two cows in same class, 3 and 5 years
old, were coveted by many eyes.
  Sheep are quite plenty and varied inlquali-
ty. A buck, Spanish Merino, two years old,
sheered at eleven months, L211 lbs. Much in-
terest is shown in this branch, and a spirit
of progess is awakening. Among the horses
was a stallion, Royal Morgan, from Mass.,
admitted by all to be the finest specimen of

cup of coffee.

friends have looked upon these, mementoes.-

-1 advv