
an indication of arit
Necessity has been e
tion. Write indust
tion, and these pe
indolence by showii
nothing. If my lif
laziness one of their
an artist, I would
Virginia pictares, ]
Beverly, the county
pa, of Barbour, Cl
from the rural disti
bouts. I would put
not leave the peopl,
describe some of thet
to know that langua
to such portraitures.
  A cleverer people
as they are, be one c
come to their best as
article will be read I
ans to whom I owe t
tality, and kindness
have, or if I have
majority referred t(
judge ye.
  Of the institutions
tended speaking, bu
ings, find that the gr
has so monopolized t
that I should have to
ple-jack " and Slavei
under the aew State
comes extinct, andsc
qualities of fruit tak
kin to the crab.  I
send one-twentieth
fight the battles of
myself the pleasure
tions, when they hai
sition long enough

  WOOL.-At no pre
the prices of wool rt
ent date. Sales wer
week,to manufacture
five cents, and some
as stenty-nine cent
prising if wool coD


stocratic birth. So do they
called the mother of inven
ry, in the place of inven
iople could justify theit
ng that they have need o:
'e depended upon provinj
characteristics, and I wert
bring back from Western
reproducing such spots a
seat of Randolph, Phillip.
arksburg, and specimens
ricts between and therea-
the improvements in, and
e out.  I was thinking to
se, but have the good sense
ge has no wo-ds adequate

I never saw. Take things
if themn, and you are wel-
s long as you choose. This
)y nany Western Virgini-
he debt of a large hospi-
I shall never forget. If I
not spoken truth of that
in my first paragraph,

of the country I had in-
t, looking over the glean-
reed of the Eastern section
hose of State importance,
come down to about "1 Ap-
ry. In the course of time,
Constitition, the last be-
o will t first, as improved
e the ce of that next of
believe in a people who
of their loyal citizens to
their country, and will do
to write up their institu-
ve had an independent po-
to show their hand in

dions time since 1836 have
Jed so high as at the prea-
e made in New York, last
rs, at seventy and seventy-
extra line brought as high
s. It would not be sur-
amanded one dollar per

pound by mid-summer. Very limited quanti-
ties now remain in the Western States unsold.
and the growers must feel encouraged at future

            uggetites  for may.
  A stirring month is May. Nature is busy,
righting up the world, that the sun may the
more efficiently warm it, brooding over the
earth for the quickening of its myriad germs
of latent life, and clothing the woods, the fields
and the orchards with verdure and flowers.
  The husbandman must not be less active, for
i: is only a part of his work which nature
will do for him.  If he will not sow, neither
shall he reap  And, again, just as he soweth,
so shall he reap. Remember that. There is
nothing made by attempting to cheat God.-
His laws are as immutable as they are benefi-
cent. He will neither suspend them nor bend
them a hair to accommodate the ignorant, the
self-willed or the ignorant husbandman.
  Hear, then, oh ye farmers, the words of wis-
dom as revealed for your special benefit I
  Fences all in order-implements the best and
all ready.
  Wheat is not the only crop that may be grown
with profit. Perhaps you've heard something
of that sort before!
  The increase of stock will demand more
corn,. Plant early and well, and keep ahead of
the weeds.
  Beans will succeed on a poorer soil, and will
find good market while the war lasts. Good
for sheep.
  Flax-.Give it a trial. Seed and fibre will
bear a good price. See articles in last No. and
  Roots.-Grow more of these, especially of
carrots and ruta-bagas for stock.  Don't he
  Look to the grass fields. Allow no stock on
the meadows. Top-dressing with fine eompost,
ashes or plaster will pay. Plaster is cheap at
all the railroad stations. Try it on your clo-
ver fields at least. Half a bushel to the acre
will produce a marked effect on most lands.
Sorghum.-Go into its production more large-
