'Natural History," and "Agricultural Trans-
  Col Johnson has been for more than twenty
years the zealous hard-working Secretary of
the State Ag. Society, and probably will con-
tinue in charge of its important interests so
long as it shall please Providence to spare his
useful life. The worth of such men is not yet
appreciated, but the future will remember him
with gratitude.

               THU HUDSON.
  The Hudson! who hath power to describe
this noble river so that it shall seem to be
the grand and glorious Hudson it is? We
have voyaged on the'great rivers of America-
on the 'sluggish Thames, flowing frotm the
heart of the Great Empire, whose throne is an-
chored in the seas-on the tortuous and pic-
turesque Seine, flowing through the gardn
fields and orchards of Nermandy-on the vine-

days-Mrs. H. much longer.   But thoi
days were pleasantly spent in the soe
friends whom we love, and their memor
be fragrant forever. If you have but
time in New York, and would see reprei
tive sights, visit Wall Street, Printing
Square, Five Points, and Central Park-
types of all there is of this great weli


Be few
,ety of
y will

  nere is wnere tie  w orry" oomes in. Heat
intense-dust deep in the streets and filling the
air with dense whirling clouds, suggestive of
the sirocco of the Great Deser.-.offieials in the
Departments indifferent, lazy, teehnical, stu-
pid! Did anybody ever have a tougher month
than we!
  Now that it's all over and we owe do victo-
rious, it is sometimee amusing to 'all up in
memory, the many provoking, frutitless inter-

yard bordered Selne of Southern France-on views with the legion of obetinate
the beautiful ice-berh lhone of Switzerland- through whose several mills
our grist of papers
aye and on the glorious old Rhine of classic must needs be ground ere the
" greenbacks "I
Germany; buit the Hudson, for the full and could be fairly won; and we would
like to give
majestic flow of its waters, the beauty and a running history of that month
of trial, were
sublimity of its scenery, surpasses them all. it not that our usually very
amiable temper is
Give to it the historic interest 'whioh attaches not yet sufficiently cooled
down to render it
to those great rivers of Europe and associates entirely certain that we are
now prepared to
them with the ages put, and it, too, would be do all parties the fullest
justice.  Only this
the inspiration of the world's first painters and we winl say in this connection:
If any man
poets.                                       would prudently prepare himself
to endure the
  The day of our voyage from Albany was as trials of Purgatory we can recommend
no bet-
beautiful as Heaven could bestow and never ter school of discipline than
the engineering
was a day crowded more full of pure enjoy- of a war claim through the requisite
ment. How much such days enlarge one's be- ments at Washington in the Tophetian
ing and add to the growth of the soul. The of June.
world is richer and life is more beautiful ever  If other creditors have
as hard a time in
after, for that they have been,              getting their pay as did we
in collecting a few
              NEw YORK CITY,                 thousand dollars for the State
Agricultural So-
  The great Metropolis of America, the centre ciety, (and we were frequently
told for our
of commerce, of newspaper literature, of po- comfort that we were "getting
along splendid-
litical rascalities and social abominations!- ly, much better than common!)
there must
wonderful for its unparalleled growth, for the be a great waste of time and
money in all the
magnificence of its public and private struc- country-and chiefly, as it
seemed to us, be-
tures, powerful by its immense wealth, glorious cause the Departments are
full of broken down
for its enterprise and benevolence, and execra- political hacks and old fossils,
to the exclusion
ble for its meanness!                        of the thorough, energetic,
and experienced
  We (the editorial we) remained but a few  business men who ought to be
in their places.



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