& Co., New York City, as a journal devoted
chiefly to science and the mechanic arts, has
no superior, if, indeed, it has an equal, in the
world, Its mechanical style, including typog-
raphy and engravings, is next to perfect, and it
is editorially managed with marked ability. A
neat quarto weekly, at two dollars per annum.
Every one interested in the progress of the use-
ful and fine arts, should endeavor to make it a
regular and unfailing visitor.
  Jimnt's Merchant's Magazine, published by
Wi. B. Dana at $6, is absolutely unequalled,
so far as we know, by any similar publication.
It is a handsome octavo magazine of 140 pages
monthly, abounding in articles of the highest
value, and touching a wide range of subjects,
including Agriculture, Mechanics, Commerce,
Nautical Science, Commercial Law, the Fi-
nances of Government, &c., &c. The ablest
practical writers of the country are contribu-
tors to its pages, and all its articles are ori-
ginal. There is no one of the whole number
of most welcome magazines which we would
not sooner part with than with this.
   TAe Atlantic Monthly.-Among the inaga-
inees devoted t- Literaturethe "Atlantic' ranks
No. 1. Clothed in its neat russet cover, with
the glorious old Stars and Stripes persistently
floating aloft, it comes to us twelve times a
year, laden with the rich gifts of the first
statesmen, philosophers, poets, romancers and
reviewers of the times. Liberal and independ-
ent in politics, religion, literature and science,
it is most admirably adapted to the wants of
the best class of the American people, and
should have a place in every intelligent family.
Published by-at Boston, at $3.50 per annum.
   TAc New York Tribune maintains its high
 place as a political newspaper of the Republi-
 can II persuasion," and has won the credit dur-
 ing the past year of giving the latest, most
 correct and most complete reports of battles
 and army movements. Price, a little advanced.
 See Prospectus on cover of FARMER.
   Forey's War Preu, published at Philadel-
 phia, is one of the ablest and moat interesting
 newspapers of this country. It belongs to the
 Douglas Wing of the Democracy in politics
 and wields a strong influence on behalf of the
 Government as against the traitors of the
 South sud the alders and abettors of treason
 everywhere. It is ually embellished with
 several spirited engravings, and has a grc'wing
 popularity. Price, $2 per anum.

   Several iatersat        le       tto     InD
   touded for this No. ae neesarlly deibered.

We omitted In our last No. t, cdl ,ttention to Mr. Ked-
I     'sadvmierent Of Nursery stockatJasesville. Mr
   1S5;bd~~so besmfslfruloitr,id we doubt
not that bhi stuck wiS give good satifactiOn.
L J. Bush a Co., of Millnuke'n , advres tbe Ohio Mow
er and Reper. As sgS&ls thej are perfectlyrel, and
the machine they advertieisoeof tbahe country
See Power A Wdl' advertIsement of tJhe phrenological
Journal. Thy tand    tb h  d of tbeirpr em   ithis
country ad in Durope, and their Journal is fall of ditest.
The  AMd s Heed Store, s now kept by Mrns. C  bapte
A*ldredissaeditstothlscity. They so keIa ge1neral
and most excellent _erbenent o  ny groceries, *c
O. S Wlley ACot dVertIee IOUt&= or apple seed.
  Attentin is called to tbe advert  tof N. J. Moods.
Surgeon Dentist. Mr. 31. is ingeciouw In almost any de-
partment of the mechanic arts and the fine work to be seer.
iD his office Is evidence of superior skill in his proression
             STATEM ENT
                    OF THE

Mad       MNutua Imuan           Compny,
        JANUAIIY lst, 18602
  Made to the Governor of the State of Wisconsin  rs
quired by the proviulons of chapter 303, of the General
Laws of 1858.
Total amount (f accumulations ................  W16,.66 74
Premium notesof policy holders HI0,124 t6;
Cash on hand, and due from
  policy holders for cash pre-
  miume, ................ ....
AmI't ecured by mortgage anl
  judgment..   .    .           47,
Offce furniture ad fixtures, ...  1,00 00  ulcd,,6  70
Whole number of policies issued         14,3;7
Am't of outstanding risks thereon ............0 o120,759 00
Reported lose awaiting further proof,      3,709 S0
Loes recently reported . ........................  7,4S3 59
Whole number of policies Issued it 1861      8,77S
Amount of outstanding risks thereou .......  ,315,173 00
Amount of premium note" thereon.      93,984 06
Amount of cash premiums thereon         X,377 36
Total amount of loeses reported during the
  yer               .     ..           15,.01 13
  Totwl it   l    paid during the year.   ,S8I 16
  Amount settled by dr   and awaiting the
  call of the insured,...         .        16M 5
  Amount of commbsdous paid to Age ,ts       7,460 Pt
  Ain't paid for Advertiing .......3 1,2b 20
  Amount paid for printing       Su 00
  Amount paid for postage, ......  365 22
  Amount paid for omice rent,....  w0 00    .1,502 :U
  Ex se paid, including all compensation
  oM dllcer and dlrewtors-.etaUonety, ex-
  tra clerk hire, thel, ight, and all other
  Incidental expenses           I..      6,06
                     STATR OF WISCONSUN, _
                         DANs CONTY,
   We, the undersigned, being the President and a major-
 .ity of' the Directors of the "Madison Mutual Inuranes
 Compaay," do solemnly swear, *nd each for himself esith,
 that theliremeini a true and correct statement ofthUe
 d~1zs of said Uim aay In the particulars therein naeod.
 *e apel by the hooks of the comapny, accordibg to the
 bet of our knowledge and belief.Ofst   r8i~
                        JOHN W. BOYlD
                        SAMUEL D. IA8TiN08,
                        B. F. HOPKINS,
                        TIMOTHY BROWN,
                        ALBERT WOOD,
                        G. F. HASTINGS,
                        11. H. GILlS,
                        SIA'L IL MCCLELLAN.
                        }. R. MONTAGUE,
                        LuTHER SAMFORD,
                        DAVID ATWOOD,
                        D. WO T     tN.
   Subccribed ad stwor before ae  shit   day of Jaa-
 nary, A. D. 156.    v. W. BOTH, woater Public,
                                  Dane County.





