yet quaint and delightful, vintage scenes in hosiery and jewelry, in the
interest of which
the far-famed vineyards that for many centu- there are several large establishments
ries have clothed its sunny banks?  And this  Being near the head of navigation
of the
is really the Rhine-this full-flowing tide be- Rhine, and at the same time
on the very bor-
fore me! I accept it all as a reality-the riv- ders of France and Germany,
it is natural that
er and my own identity-and salute this old it should be, as it is, the entrepot
of the com-
river as a patriarch come down from the glori- merce of Switzerland with
those Empires and
ous past!                                    with the so called Low Countries.
  The Rhine divides the cit, and although        it                  a
                                 f . . ~Aiken' 8nitting M~achine Again.-
there are bridges of stone, the light and gaily 'I can knit with it men's
socks, ready to fin-
painte(l ferry boats, with striped awiig    h, for 1J cents a pair, and iake
from $1 75
screens, are plying back and forth for the ac- to $2 a day: women's long
hose at 15 cents a
commodation of the people, who seen, to SO pair, and make the same per day;
and I am
love the old river as to prefer the ferry. tt two etippled with one hand.
 Peeple that think
snus, to the bridges at nothing.          t
              ,                             ~~~~~~~~~~there is no profit
in them are people wl o know
  The chimpe of Cathedral bels 11. iz 11. w.-~    a .. - _ .t       -n  
  .     .  _

that it is Sunday.  After service, I so far in
dulged my curiosity its to stroll out into differ
ent portions of the city as a preliminary to th4
more careful inspection of whatever of mosi
interest the city presents.  Among the finest
public Buildings there are the old Calthelral,
the Library-containing 50,0)0)1 volumes, many
valuable manuscripts,, paintings and antiqui-
ties-a theological seminary, a gymnasiuin
(training school, similar to our college), with
twelve professors, a polytechnic school, a uni-
versity with twenty-four professors, the Agri-
cultural School. and the Erasmus Collre. The

Cathedral was built in 1,009, and will probably
last another decade of centuries without be-
coming dilapidated.  The Botanical Garden
affords many attractions.  The Library con-
nected with it is said to be the richest of its
kind in the world.
  The Agricultural School of Basel has been
in existence for years and is full of interest;
but as I have in contemplation a series of ar-
ticles on the Industrial Schools of Europe, I
need not dwell upon this one in this connec-
  Agriculturally considered, the Canton of
Basel is one of the finest of Switzerland; while
as a manufacturing and commercial city, Basle
(which is the capital of the Canton) is the first
town in Switzerland. Its chief manufactures
are paper, silk, gloves, leather, printed cottons,

.1othing avult them.  There is profit all the
while you are working the machine, but none
when it is idle. I cfn kni,, rnouyh in or:. month
to pJry fur the nifucmine, andl then the machine
will be as good as new. They are nor liable to
get out of order. A needle will carelessly get
broken once in a whiile, hut five cents will re-
place it; a set of needles will last from three
to five years. "-xtract from  a l lter o' It. R.
Beebee, Plattevritl", lWis.
  See FARMER I'rospectus, or address Branson
&, Elliot, 120 Lake St. Chicago.


  Asparagus, Queries, Recipes. -RAY-
MOND, Wis. May 1l,, 1803.-MR. EDtTOR:-
The article on Asparagus, in a late number of
the FARMER, ended just where many house-
keepers would feel the most interest. That
taught us how to cultivate it; the next thing
is bow to cook it.  My way is this: Break off
the shoots while' the heads are solid, as low
down as they will snap readily: wash them,
cut them in pieces an inch in length; boil them
about twenty minutes, or till tender, in just
enough water to cover them, a little salted;
then pour in flour and water stirred free from
lumps, so as to make the soup about as thick
is thin cream or oyster soup; season with
black pepper and butter. Coverthe bottom of
Four dish with light bread, good biscuit, or
crackers, and pour over it. the aspararus and

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