THE WISCONSIN PARKER.                               

performed without baggage, which the Romant      eal Important matter an
Pending, horever1 among them
so appropriately styled impedimeelta: masses a bill htredmed -ts we ae informed
by a Mr. Rates, of
were to be concentrated     upon a given point. Rock Co., to repeat the law
aPitopristing SiCO, to each, of
AllThis he himself faithfully put in practice   tho co Ag   e        the
Stathg     s  blind man
afterwards.  Axd for the glory of the Italian   iWeAre u   Soie toiesokteSty
. exhop thtbeis  beindvmdan
army and his own, he could add, as an histo- i We are unable to *    except
that he is the individua
rian,, Soldiers, you have made forced marches who has made It Iis hobby tor
sereral  eselon to cut off
without shoes, you have bivouacked without the hand that Theids him. I Rock
Co., has an, lsim to
brands, you have fought without bread. Again, the tender mereles of the State
we trust he will be permit-
in one of his newspaper contributions in de- ted to enjoy the nieded hospitalities
of his former fellow

-e  UV V LHU first Itaiuan campaign, he hesitates citisen. Dr. Clement.
not to reduce his system to an abstract princi-
ple for the benefit of all who can avail them-    Judtical.-The Democratic
State Conventlon held I
selves of it.  Ie declares, "the art of war this city Feb. 26th, nominated
Bon. u. m. Cotbhen,
consists in having, with an inferior army, a    Minreal Point, as candidate
for Chief Justice in place,
force always greater than the enemy's on the    Justice Dixon whose term
of oice oon expires.
point to be attacked, or on the point which is    The Republican party have
made no nomination. bu
attacked."                                      have signifted their
desire for the re-election, of Judg
           A Kind Hearted Admiral.
   Lord Nelson, when forced to see meln whip-           N A T ION AL    
 A F F A I R .
ped on board his ship. ascended to the deck                             
       of :-==  -
precipitately. reanl raplidlly and in an agilated       r ha stoed still
voice, the ldeS othe serviceo and Then cied         gres has passed the Consciption
Act, authorizing th.
"Boatswain, do your duty."      Often the man   Presideut to:a
Into the service of the country by drafta &
about to be flogged, cried-" Pardon, admiral, persons cap abe of bearing
arms between the ages of it
pardon! "   Lord Nelson would then look round   and 46 without regard
to rank, profession, color, or auW
at his officers: all keeping silence, he would  other circumstance.
say, "What! not one of yoel, gentlemen, not       It is also understood
that ir. Chase's policy In relation
one of you has pity upon that man or upon my    to thefi
sufferings? untie the man;" then he added, to          bnancew o  thecountr
hm been adoptd and ma de
" my brave fellow, on the day of battle remem- effecive by lw *  n the
next number we sh nte a sy-
ber me! "   It was very rare that the sailor Opshs of both these acts.
   thu  r- nll d  h  h;   O smura L  uiu  not  tustinguis:_

himself at a later period.
  One day a man was going to be whipped. II
was a marine. A beautiful young girl sprani
through the crowd of soldiers; she fell on hei
knees before Nelson and seized his hand. "Par.
don, your honor," said she, "pardon, he will
never be guilty again!"  "Your face," said
the admiral, "answers for his future good con-
duct.  Untie that man; he who has such a
beautiful creature as this for his friend, cannot
be a bad man." This marine became a lieu-



  State Fairs have been determined upon by Iowa.
I1linois. Indiana aud Ohio. New York wilt hold one of
course. Hope the rebellion may be so nearly squelched by
the coming of autumn as to reader all such exhibitions a
certain Success.
Wisconsin will hold oe, also, should the spring sand sum-
mer open faverably. The Premium Ist le  dy printed
and will be thrown out in time to  amre the largeelgesults
should it be thought best to hold an exhlbition.
LegyelattiveuBat little of great hiaprtance has yet
ben  eue by te Legislature at the present sessi. See-

            i ')REIG N NEWS.

  nogband is opening her eyes, and sympathy for the cause
of the Union has been warmly expreseed through Immense
gatherings of the people In London and several other cities.
Any unwarrantable interferesce on the part of John Bull
mar now be considered quite out of the question.
Napoleon seems a little disgusted (so report says) that
Ingland could not be Induced to join him In attempts to
mediate between this Government and the Rebellion.

  The Prize Xape.-To those who are yet
unsupplied with Maps we would say, that
about six weeks since we ordered another large
lot of Maps from New York, sending draft for
full amount, so as to secure a prompt return.
The delay in sending them to our subscribers
may be explained by the following extract
rrom a letter just received from the publisher.
  " We fill your order except the Maps of the
Southern States. We are entirely out of these
at present, but have a new edition on press,
which will be ready in ten or fifteen days.-
WVe send the others so as not to delay you.







