THE WISCONSIN FARMER.                                 
-L ~=     __ -      :        -- -  -                                    
   __ __
and add eighteen pounds of sugar, free from   PICKLED DAMSOYS.-To 1 peck
damisons a}-
molasses, and a teacupful of best brewer's I low 7 nounds brown ,u-, half
nint vin-ger

yeast; raise the temperature to 66° or 680 ax
put your browst into a twelve gallon casi
place it in a position where the temperatui
will not fall below 6O0. In a month strain
off from the grounds, returning it to the cas
again, and let it stand till it becomes vinega:
For a large quantity, follow out the commo
process of making vinegar, either with malt c
sugar, by adding rhubarb, which gives flavo
and pungency."
  The present high price of sugar will Stan
as an objection to this process, though if i
were fifty per cent. dearer than it is, the vine
gar manufactured would be much cheaper thai
the expensive and miserable stuff usually sob
by our grocers. Perhaps sorghum molasse:
would answer as well as sugar. Let somebodj
try it.

        Pickles and How to Make T-m.

   Pickles, though generally considered contra.
 band of good digestion,, are, nevertheless, in
 universal use, and the clever housewives of the
 country will not take it unkindly if we give
 them a full batch of approved recipes. Indeed
 they will not, for not a few of them have re-
 quested information on this subject.  Thus
 compelled, we, of course, submit, but we want
 it, understood that we publish two-thirds under
 GREEN TOMATO PICKLEs.-Half peck toma-
 toes, 3 onions, 2 bell peppers, (green), white
 mustard seed, salt to each layer; scald vinegar
 and turn over it.
 TOMATO CATSUP.-TO 1 gallon of tomato
 juice add 4 tablespoonsful of salt, same of
 black pepper, 2 spoonsful of allspice, 4 pods
 red pepper, 4 tablespoonsful ground mustard,
 1 quafthegarlO'oll terd,
 bottle and corlk tight.  ,

 TOMATO PICKLES.-One peck of green toma-
 toes sliced, I dozen sliced onions, sprinkle with
 salt and let them stand till next day, then
 drain them, I box mustard, half an oz. black
 I epper, 1 oz. whole 'eloves, I of yellow mus.
 tard seed, 1 of alspice; put into the kettle a
 layer of tomatoes and onions, and one of spices
 alternatelj cover with vinegar and boil half
an hour.

ltablespoonsful ground alspice, the same of
cloves, let the vinegar and sugar boil, and to
the mixture add the dansons and spice. They
should boil 2* hours, being constantly stirred;
when cold they are fit for use.

  PICALEaarLY.-F'our quarts green tomatoes,
2 of peppers, 1 pound white mustard, 1 cup of
salt, add vinegar, 2 quarts onions.

  QUICK PICKLEs.-Take a head of cabbage,
slice it up or chop it, sprinkle salt through it;
let it remain all night; chop up an onion with
the cabbage, drain it through a colander, sea-
son it highly with pepper and celery seed, cov-
er it with strong vinegar, and it will be fit for
use the third day.

  YELLOW PICKLES.-Half a pound of bruised
black mustard, half a pound of ginger, sliced:
half a pound of garlic soaked in brine one
week and bleached; half a pound of horse-
radish, soaked in brine one week and dried;
two oz. of turmeric, two oz. cayenne pepper,
or four oz. of black pepper; put in oDe gallon

nest apple vinegar, andjet it remain in tho sun
three weeks; then put in your pickles.
GREEN PicKA.AEs.-To a jar containing four
gallons, put half an oz. of turmeric, 3 pounds
)f browwaugar, 2 handfuls of horse-radish, 2
of garlic, and 9 of bruised ipustard seed; 3 oz-
of broken cinnason, -2 or. of cloves, 2 of all-
ipice, 4 of broken ginger, 2 of tlack pepper:
put them in as much good eider vinegar as will
:over your pickles; put them on the fire, and
.s soon as it comes to a boil, pour it on your
pickles: add a little vinegar now and then so
as to keep them covered.

RED PicKaus.-Divide your cabbage in quar.
ers, sprinkle it well with salt, and pack it in
jar; let it stand ,. hours; take it out and
rash off all the salt; lay it in a sifter to drain
he water from it, and wipe as dry as you can;
t one gallon vinegKr, put one quart of poke-
erry juice, (which you can get by scalding
te berries and squeezing them), one pound of
rown sugar, one pint of onions, two oz. of
innamon, 2 oz. of pepper, 2 oz. of allspice;
oil all (except onions) a few minutes; pour
ver the cabbage, while boiling; cover closely
nd it will be ready for use in a few daya


           A Very Old Riddle.

           White bird, featherlesa,
           Flew out of Paradise,
           lit on the castle wall:
           King came, footles,
           Took it up. banlles,
           Ate  it up, toothles,

nOu. e -ay. nIraeles. .












