F1aX.-.LA VELLA, Minn., M1arch 18.-I
should like some infoimti oiin retaid to flax,
whether there are any rnachines in the west for
dressing and manufacluring, and what the
common price is per ton  Alao if there is any
Chicory seed so far west yet. Perhaps I can
get all this from the former numbers of the
FARMER.                             E. GOULD.
  NOTE.-We are told that there flax-dressing
mills at Fond du Lao and at Platteville, but
what they pay per ton for the straw we are un-
able to say.-ED.

  Ahead in raising Buckwheat.-PixE
RIVER, Waushara Co.-On page 66 of the Feb.
No. of the FARMER J. A. Mapes says he raised
711 bushels of buckwheat from 22 quarts of
seed, and asks "who can beat this 9"
  I raised 35 bushels from 8 quarts of seed
sown. It was sown on the IIIndian land."
                             BALDWIN SEARS.


Oar readers will find a Beer advertisement of the Kirby
Harvester and blower in this No. This is one or the best
reaping and mowing machines In the world, and we have
especial pleasure in recomending it to the farmers of Wis-
consin. Of all the hand-rakers now before the public we
know of none we prefer to It, and we are informed that It
now has a raker attachment which, In every respect, gives
It a place in the front rank. In our next No. we shall pub-
lish Illustrations and descriptions of It as a mower, reaper,.
and self-raking harvester.
The Ohio Mower and Reaper bi farther advertised by L.
J. Bash & Co, theenterpreing Western agents. We have
already warmly endorsed this agency and their valuable
machines. Illastratloi In next No.
See advertisement of "axton's Handbook of Tobacco
  Chas. Boles, Jr.. of Wesi Eau Clalre, aeertise seedling
evergeeens and mos for packing.
J. Wesley Jones, of Chatham, Nex York, advertises flow-
er and garden seeds of the latest and most approved varie-
ties. He is well endorsed to us, and the extent of business
done by him warrants the belief lt~ purchasers may or-
der of him with an asseranai of ine saalslselleu.
  E. B. Lum, of Bandusk, Ohio. is e_ of t Amost papa-
r of dealers in flower seeds, enftkigs, &s. He has for-
warded some thirty t SUap espie of his esisogas for
gratuitous dtnbntf to tl      wo wih to order. 1s is
ad a mere dealer, howevsr, b ilf     s    the Nd
he offers to the Public, ai  1e&S$  bs  e to wrrant
.  &germination.

  *B" advestmseseot of Camtais'
have no r  tasi destryr of ti
and there st so nmism   Rat-ca
most sellars. br Costar' s said
have prepared a dwiwbihch will ti
of even the moot wIditVe hsiter
  TBa BLOOwMi0owo (Ilt) Nums
K. Pbhoix, proprietor. His mur,
eat ansdi best in the Western Stab
experience of more than twentny
than helt of wibch time Was epe
sumed that his Judgment may b
rieties are best adapted to this d
most successful methods of coltl
dorsed by the leading citisens i
whom he formerly lived. Mr. Ja
Walworth Co , has the agency foI
J. 0. PLUMs, Esq., whene Inte
ales en horticultural subjects hbar
p eaurve and profit by ort numer
to do a large business the coming
contarlst and a concentIous di
Plumb, In your canvass of the na
See editorial notice of Columbi

going page. under ' Pomological

             ST1AT E M
                    OF TiiE

Ba  Ut s r~ ~ r. Salp
Mrin to shcki oi granr IS!
,W w  t, With them ini
by ere.lbt=t
hringli J r    he isb
of ite *iw            I
amrn re adverid by L
erie ae ansmg the ieg-
es, and as be has had an
mrs i the histuses, more'
ut in thisState, It Is pro-
e relied es ia to what va-
iemate, and tso am tothe
ure. He In cordially eu-
Of Waiworth Co, among
mes L. Tubbs. of Elkhorn
r this State.
resting and valuable arti-
a been so often read with,
ous readers, is preparing
I season. He Is a skiliful
aler. Don't forgetJ. C.,
rerymen of the West.
xs Nurseries, on the fre-m


Nladon Mutual Insurance Company,
          DECEMBER 31, A. D., 160,.
lade to the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, us re.
quired by the provilioos of chapter 103, of the General
Laws of 158.
Total amount or accumulations       - ............ $327,464 c7
Unimpaired premium notes of
policy holders .............. 7281000 07
Cash on hand acd due from
policy holders and agents,
for cash premiums ..........4,464 60
OMce furniture and,$xtore.s..    1,600 00   327,484 67
Whole No. policies     '  ....-22,061
Ain't of o0rutatandlgtks thereon ........- 15,962.000 00
Number of policies lined In 162, ........        7.706
Ain't of outstanding risks thereon ........$ 6,089,813 00
A  't premium notes thereon .............  108,828 98
Ain't cash premIums therton, less c=mini-
sions to agenD .........................   46,m 8 0
Am-t interest received ...................      972 18
TVWl ain't lon2es reported during 1882,%.... 7 17,7U 16
Total uin't losaes paid diudihg 1862, S91n
nuiber .,21 ,97
Amn't claimed far lsose resMed as fraiudaent " 2,M  00
Lose adjusted and ue-..                     none
e ajA ted, and noot due.     .           none
Loses unadjusted- .......................-       2  B'
All other claims against theompny ......c y  U   9  50!
Ain't paid for advertIsing and postage,. - -  1,76   6
Ain't paid for printing .   .................. : 8540 6
Ain't peid Sir policy stanmps.-.we...         0 00;
An't paid taxes to Com'r.itwibflsevemz       82 Os
xpes     paid, Including all comainstioi8.
to OF0fcers and Directors, "tBisrey, extTr
clerk hire, fuel, lights, and oth  incidertb
Al expenss,- .                            ,.0. .





