for blood, but for freedom and the institutions  April is named after the
word Aprilus, or
of civilization."                          opening, because in April
vegetables open and
  "This war will give us future permanence bud.
and greatness."-John J. Critueden.           May is derived from the
word majores, and
                                           was so called by Romulus as a
mark of re-
  Lossis IN THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN.-A wri- spect to the senators.
ter in the Washington Chronicle contends that  June is named from the word
iunius, or the
" Americans know nothing of military disas- youngest.
ter," and proceeds to fortify his assertion by  July was named in honor
of Julius Caesar.
a statement of the losses suffered by the    August was named in honor of
French in the famous Russian campaign. by decree of the Roman Senate.
The grand army of invasion consisted of      September was named from the
word 8eptemn,
301,976 men and 103,854 horses. During the or seven, being the seventh month
from March.
short campaign of nineteen weeks and two     October from the word octo,
or eight, it being
days, the losses of the French, purely milita- the eighth month.
ry, amounted to the enormous number of       November from the word n10ove,
nine, it be-
247,000 men and 92,000 horses! These sta- ing the ninth month.
tistics are derived from official statements of I December was named from
the word decent,
the War Office of Paris. But other French ten, it being the tenth month from
armies, besides that under the immediate which was anciently the first.
nar.mand a R ...a-fn . a..f..-  1, -.;... -A|

took part in and prolonged the campaign.'
The total force numbered 647,000 men, of                 Never tell a Lie.
whom 600,000 werecombatants. Thenumber | How       imply and beautifully
of those who got out of Russia was 85,000. der, of Ghilon, impressed us with
a love of
The loss of the French, then, during that brief truth ia story of et'icilhod
 After sa-
campaign of twenty-five weeks, was 562,000 ing the vision which made him
entreat of his
men and 900 cannon,                        mother to go to Bagdad and devote
himself to
                                           God, he thus proceeds:  I informed
her of
            YOUTH'S CORNER.                what I had seen, and she wept;
then taking
                                           out eighty dinars, she told me,
as I had aaoth-
         THE WASP AND THE BEE.             er brother, half of that was all
my inherit-
                                          I ance, and she made me swear when
she gave
  A wasp nlet a bee that was buzsing by,   i omnvri elale n             fewrsbd
  And he said, "1 Little cousin, can you tell ale why  |it to me, neer
to texl a Lie, and afterwards bade
  You are loved so much better by people then T?  sign you to God; we shall
not meet until the
  " My back shine. as bright and as yellow as gold.  Day of Judgment."
  And my shape Is most elegant, too, to behold.
  Y et nobody likes me for that, lam told."  I went on till I came near
Hamandal, when
                       Yet nooylke  efr  taod"our kafilah was plundered
by sixty horsemen.
  Bu Ah, cousin," the bee said, "'is all very true;  One fellow
asked me what I had got.
  But if I had half as much mischief to do,,Frydnr"sadIaeswdudr
  Indeed they would love me no better than you.  " Forty dinars,"
said I  are seed under
                                           my garments."
  Y- ou have a fine shape anld a delieate wing,  The fellow laughed, thinking,
no doubt. I
  They own yell are handsome, but then theregsone thing  joking with him.
  They cannot put up with, acd that is your stinga5foh.w ai             
                                             It What have you got ? "
said another.
   My eoat is quite honmely and plain, as you Net.  I gave him the same answer.
When they
 Yet nobody ever is angry with me,        wr dsc
 Because I'm s humble and innocent bee.,,  were dividing the spoil, I wass
called to an
                                           eminence where the chief stood.
  From this little story let people beware;  "d What property have you
got, my little fel-
  Becau.e, like the wasp, if Itl-natured Ibey are,  low?" said he.
  They will never be loved if they're ever Po fair.  h ol t    f
                             -Jae iylo.      I have told two of your people
                   _________               said I. "I have forty dinars
sewed in my
            Nrames of the Xonthgarments."
                                             He ordered them to be ripped
open, and
  The names of the months were given by the found my money.
Romans as follows:                           " And how came you,"
said he, in surprise,
  January war so called from Janus, an an- "to declare so openly what
had been so care-
cient king of Italy, who was deified, from the fully concealed? "
word Janarius.                               "Because," I replied,
" I will not be false
  February is derived from the Latin word to my mother, to whom I promised
I never WiiU
februo, to purify; for in this month the ancient tell a lie."
Romans offered, expiatory sacrifices to purify  "Child," said the
robber, "hest thou such
the people.                                a sense of duty to thy mother,
at thy years,
  March was anciently the first month-is and I am insensible at my age of
the duty I
named after Mars, the ancient god of war   owe to my God? Give me thy hand,