*   The Patlrso' Gravs.

        BY S. 0. W. BDNJAA  IN.

Sweet. i s 69breafto .4mar floia
Whe, mia.p the hero youn a  brav;
His bfs In wept by pauing sowwe ,
Tb. west wind sighs about his PAw.
The warbling  suls Omu balld her not
And sooth.e the wuril's dmIOu 10st
And M&W Pis            siA odwobim,
And Amurn the abunber   a ht bound him,
     Fr he shal wake mm
     To  mr the world'e wil roar,
     To $mggt. or to Wit,-
The fir-haired youth, his mother's pride,
     Who sought the btUe's dh,
And fqr his country fougbt and died.

WAR        MISCELLANY.                          Feil not uheeded on his ear;
                                                A pure znbIIon It bi eJe,
                                                A= fin ml   unmixed with
                   Now.                        He ngered DtttnottoquestioD
                          a OW                 ~~~~~~~Bu~t at hie colinbtys
urtent cry
       Arie, for the day Is pining             Forsook the friends hh heart
most cherished,
         While you He dreauiug on;             For Fracti nsabt.h teor *rmdin
       Your brothers 5" cased in armor,             And her his young
Ufe pe
         And forth to the fight AMe gone             E He lies in moe at
       Your pi3to in tbe tanks wtits you,           Where greas softly wave,
         EAch man hal a put ta pla;            And holy rest and quit reign1
       The pas end the fmture bft nothing           And, standing by his
         In the tace o t th st1r LodVa.        Oh, who abatl my he died in
       Arise fro, your dtm.s of &he frtuK-
         Of gaining a hard focght feld,        Row many noble be"M like
       Of storming the ary fortres,             Lis molderlng in tbe ikent
         Of bidding the giant yield Ilow miny homes their voices miss.
       Your lif mat Xbe deed of glory,          How many a red eye _e sheir
         Of honor, Ood grmnzt It may,           But all this land il s tred
       But your arm will nerer be stronger     Where freemen mote the rubel
         Or needed as now to-day.              Atd made themaelyes a nume
tor ever
         Arise ! If thopart dcnyou,              For patriot worth and high
         Her huDshine and storms forget;            Andi their gl burious
       No ohalnas nOworftb to hod you               Of tyraty M wrong,
         Ad those of a vain regret;            And bid us wipe away tbe stain
       W or brigbt. dbB is hl hr sm.               Our patr's, b  so iog
         Cast her phantom arms wy,             Oh. then they have not died
In ID.
       No teook back sae to learn the _sson
         Of & poble strife to-day.
            Aie!frthe hour is passing;
        ArisTe ! tohtt you dic y betr           NEW      S    SUM      M
        1 your enemy marching to battle ;
        Rhe! rie! tbr th toe Is er!
        Stay no to brigbttD yor weaponsT, STATE                 MATTERS.
        Or the hour vlIl utrike at lut
        And from drem of a coiaflg             I   upf                  
        You wifl wake and And it past.       Industrial.-In pusuance of the
                           (HR.wAM words.     ty vested in him by the Act
of the Legislature

  MILlTARY ItEsoultcEs OF FR    cE.-The -il    already referred to, the Governor
has appoint-
itary strength of France is always a subject of ed W. N. Reed, Esq., of Grant
Co., and      -
apprehension in Europe.     The cost of main- Hammond, Esq., of Winnebago
Co., Commis-
taining it constitutes the largest item in the
annual expenditure, and is nearly double the sioners to locate the lands
donated by Congress
whole naval and colonial outlay.    The usual for the endowment of an Agricultural
peace establishment consists of 404,192 infant- Both of these gentlemen have
had large expe-
ry and 86,368 cavalry; in war, these numbers
may be augmented to 757,726 infantry and rience in surveying and selecting
lands, and
149,288 cavalry, making a total of 918,489 both are familiar with the localities
where it
soldiers, or very neirly one in forty of the Will be necessary to locate
the particular lands
whole population, adult and otherwise. The
establishment for the year 1863 is counted and in question.  The work will
undoubtedly be
distributed as follows:  Interior, 388,562; Al- promptly and faithfully performed.
The fol-
geia, -55,28.5; Italy, 16,950; China, 915; Co-
chria China, 1,179; Mexico, 27.945.     Total lowing is a copy of the Act
accepting the lands
440,8?e.                                    and constituting the commission: