A ,--_               _ : _ =T=   _ .  ._._

   Mda. EDITOR:-I noticed In the August No
 of the FARhER an article headed "The Lang
 stroth Patent."  On looking it over, I sam
 that the Rev. J. M. Stebbins had opened hit
 battery upon me in good earnest, and that
 too, " without any interest in Mr. Langstroth'i
 patent except an individual right." Wonder.
 fully generous and disinterested for the Gen.
 eral Agent of the State of Wisconsin Jor th4
 Langatroth Hire'I (See Ju:y No. of the FARM-
 ER, article on "Scientific Handling of Bees,"
 evidently written by the redoubtable J. M.,
 himself. Ah, Elder! that was an unlucky
 stroke of the pen, wasn't it ?-that "scooped
 up in our bare hands." But then, who would
 suspect that anybody but Editors make use of
 the first person plural?
 Ile seems to know all about other people's
 business, and mine in particular. He reminds
 me of the man in the fable, who had a hoe-
 handle so long that it vas easier to work in his
 neighbor's garden than in his own.
 He states in his article that "many honest-
 ly think that Mr. Lee is infringing on the
 Langstroth Patent."  I don't doubt it; from
 the fact that Mr. Stebbins has spent the most
 of his time, for the last eighteen months,
 travelling through to and other States, cry-
 ing, " Infringementt-0 "Prosemution I" "Hum-
 bug I" &c. And I1j to*, "witeut interestI"
 From sua  talk p$ooIsi   f ittnding the
 matter would Atuly think that I am in-
 fringing. Again: he staIlu that the frt im-
 portant step has been taken by Mr. Lang-
 stroth towards prosecution for inringement,
 in the re-issue of his patent. It dInes not fol-
 low, by any means, that because Mr. L has
 obtained a re-inue of his patent, he is pre-
 paring to prosecute any one. That gas has
 been burning these five years. Friend Steb-
 bins would fain make the public believe that
 Mr. Langstroth has an exclusive right to the
 frame ittelf. Now if the Elder will look a
 little closer on the other side of the question
 with a little "interest," he will find half a
score of patents granted on the movable frame.
And if he will trouble himself to pay the

Patent Office another five I
my claims, he will find
June, 1863, a claim on the
the sharp bevelled lower
of the frame, &c. Mr. L.
vice to compel the bees t
straight within the frame;
as patented, the bees ar
build their combs at rig]
frame.  To obviate this,
triangular strip which is r
of the top-piece of the frg
his frame would not be v
unfortunately its use is
ment, and every purchaser
hive is liable to pay an e
course, the "General Age
Wisconsin for Langstroth'
will studiomisly avoid the
disastrous truth to the po
proposes, with such unpai
to furnish with the means
  And now, in conclusion,
want it distinctly unders
that my patent hive is no
any hive whatever. And I
keeping friends will give ti
siness on account of the en
terested parties, more espei
attempt to hide their selfis
show of "public generosit3

Io0F5IDALY, Aug. ItI, 1ta.

MR. EIT'roR:-In answem
letters of inquiries pertaii
species, allow me, through t
paper, to give a descriptio
kind of bee.
When they were first in
country, I regarded them
han an improved species
3o doubt but others have
,onclusions. But after due
experiments for the past t
become fully convinced of
over the native bee. They


lollars for a copy of
In my late patent of
frames and also on
edge of the top bar
has patented no de-
o build their combs
hence, in his frame
quite as likely to
ht angles with the
he makes use of a
tailed to the bottom
Ime, without which
worth a straw. But
a direct infringe-
r of the Langstroth
xtra fee of $5. Of
nt for the State of
Is admirable hive"
mention of such a
,or public, whom he
ralleled generosity,
of self protection.
let me say that I
tood by all parties
infringement upon
I trust that my bee-
Lhemselves no unea-
mpty threats of in-
tially of those who

Ih interest under a


r to the numerous
fling to this new
he columns of your
on of this peculiar

troduced into this
more of a humbug
of honey bee, and
come to the same
consideration and
hree years, I have
their superiority
seem to be a very

. -

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