T?'W!I&P Q A8 I.N, F ARMIER.  15$

   1. By'retrenchment ia, hpk9Wed. and
sonal expenses, to the end&that the materia re
sources of the Government may, so far s
possible, be devoted to the entire and thorougi
vindication of its autkority.
  2. By stimulating and strengthening in itab
heaes of all citilens &A heme the loyal sotti
mont of love and reverence for the Nationi
Governmnt and of estblishing in them as
unwavering determinatien that the war, ae
wickedly urged against the Union of thesl
States, shall not cease until the rebellion shill
have been utterly crushed gut and the integrity
of the Republic re-established upon a sure and
enduring basis.
  3. By keeping before our soldiers, now en-
gaged or hereafter to be called into the service
of the country, indubitable evidences of the
earnest sympathy and untiring co-operation of
all true American women.
  Now, therefore, we, ladies of Madison, re-
cognizing the value of united effort, in order
that our duties, as above indicated, may the
more efficiently be performed, do hereby asso-
ciate ourselves together under the name and
style of "The Ladies' Union League of the
City of Madison," and in our associated pro-
ceedings agree to be governed by the following
Constitution, together with such rules and reg-
ulations as the ,League" may, in its wisdom,
from time to time adopt.
  ARTICLK 1.-The name and style of this as-
sociation shall be " The Ladies' Union League
of the City of Madison."
  ART. IT.-All ladies who shall subscribe to
the Preamble and Constitution hereby ordain-
ed, and wear such badge as the League may
prescribe, shall be the members thereof
  ART. III.-The Officers of this League shall
consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, a
Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Com-
mittee of three; all of whom, except the Ex-
ecutive Committee, shall be elected by ballot,
and hold their respective offices for a term of
three month! and until their successors are
elected.  The Executive Committee shall be
appointed by the Presidext and hold their of-
fice during the term of the President so ap-
pointing them.
  ART. IV.-The President shall preside at the
meetings of the League and may call special
meetings thereof when, with the concurrence
of two members of the Ixecutive Committee.
it may be deemed expedient  In the absee
of the President, the Vice Presidents respect-
ively, in the order of their rank, shall exercise
the prerogatives and perform all the duties of
the President. The duties of the Secretary
and Treasurer shall be such as are common to
those qfipers in all like associations. The Ex-
ecative Committee shall act in connection With
the President, and, with her, shpll constitute

the standing busa  ev a   sef the League.
AU duties of olieers, oommttees and members
of the League, net hereindefined shall be pre-
scuibed hem tioe to time by vote or rFolantien.
  AaT. V.-The proceeding of this LapI
shall be oonduated aeeording to parliamentary

  Aur. VI.-Any member of this Lague who
shall violate the pledges and provisions of this
Constitution and the Preamble thereto may be
expelled by a vote of a majority of Its mem-
bers; Providd that no member shall be expel-
led until written charges have been preferred
and notice given to the person so charged, who
shall have the privilege of a fair and impartial
  AZT. VII-No money shall be drawn from
the treasury except upon an order authorized
by the Executive Committee, which order shall
be signed by the President and countersigned
by the Secretary.
  ART. VIIL-The regular meetings of the
League shall be held on Satarday of each week
unless otherwise directed by a vote of the ma-
jority of the members, and at such place as
may be determined by the Executive Commit-
tee. A majority of the members present at
any meeting shall constitute a quorum for bus-
  ART. IX.-This Constitution may be amend-
ed by a vote of two-thirds of the members in
attendance upon any regular meeting, notice
of proposed amendments having been given
speci cally, in writing, two weeks previous and
recorded in the minutes of th e proceedings.

        How to Write to the Soldiers.
  FKrTt. Direct your letter plainly, put-ing on
it the name of the soldier in full, of his cap-
tain also in fall, the letter of his company, the
name and number of his regiment, as well as
the locality of the regiment A man is known
by his company, anid there is no certainty of
an epistle reaching its destination without the
letter of the company being placed on It.
  Direct your letter not only to the General
Hospital of any place, but also to the Branch
Hospital, where the patient may be; and fol-
lowing, a1s, fully the foregoing suggestions.
Second. Write frequently; letters from home
every few days are better then medicine.-
They not only afford sympathy and hope, but
tey ceall of attqntion from loneliness and snck-
  Third. Write cheerftully; don't write of your
Lroubles sad annoyances, and all the unplesa-
Mat things of the neighborhood. Write to
cheer the soldier amid his trials, sufferings and.
If your letters are not answered, write to
lte Chaplain, and thus learn the cause.
