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  The Prize Strawberrie.-Each new
subscriber to the FARXER will be furnished
with 6 plants of the new and superior Wis-
CONSIN SEEDLING Strawberry. Each old sub-
scriber, who sends us a new subscriber, will
also be furnished with 6 plants.     Orders for
plants must be accompanied by 3 cent stamp.


  The Tribune Strawberries advertised in this
number are a prize worth having. Read the advertise-
ment clear through; it contains many usefel hints to
amateurs and those engaged in improving the varieties
of fruit.
  Lake Side Nursery by J. C. Plumb nesis no es-
pecil notice from us, rs its proprietor it too well and
widely known to require any endorsement from anybody.
8es his advertisement on the 2d page of cover.
  Sugar Cane Mile        are advertised by Harris,
Guild, A Angell, of Janesville. They claim some valua-
ble improvements. Examine all, and buy the best.
  atilway Morse Powers, so deservedly popular
at the east, and destined to br sk here so soon as our peo-
ple sse the great economy of them, are advertised in this
No. by R. & M. IHarder, Coblvakill, N. Y.
  "Noses" are treated of as Indicating character in
our advertising Department. If any body nose enough,
he will reed the advertisement.
  Short Hornsa are offered for sale by R. Richards
A good chance to improve your stock.
  Lee's Bee HEwe is a Wisconsin invention of merit
Read his advertisement.
  Burson's AJertean Grati Biuder.-We
had the pleasure yesterday of witnessing the operation
of this important labor saying implement upon the farm
of Michael Phelps, XEq., near this place. Arriving on
the ground, we found a large crowd ef our ldsns and
farmers watching the operation with intense interest,
all seaming pleased, satisfled and delighted. We would
not attempt to describe the unique machine which moal
of our readers will have an opportunity of examinini
while at work in the harvest field. The Binder is placed
upon a small extension of the Reaper platform, has uc
connection with the gearing of the Reaper, but is worked
by hand. But three motions are required to bind
aheaf-to raise a handle or lever when the gavel h
brought up by the Forker, to push down the same handle
which puts the band around the sheaf, when one turn o
the crank fa-tens the band around the she4 cuts It off
and leaves one end of the wire fastened ready for thi
next sheaf. The grain is shoved to the Binder with az
Ingenious Clasping Fork, with which the Forker put
the grain into the Binder in good order, and we are tob
by those using the machine that the Forker is consdderes
almost indispensable in getting the grain to the binde
in shape for binding. However this may be, me thinl

h certain, that with this fork the grab is deilered to
the binder in neat gavels without difficulty. The IlUow.
ng conclusions were unanimous ameng the croid in at-
1. That the Binder will work fast enough; at least it
ooked like play binding a dix foot swath.
2. That the grain can be saved much cleaner th-a in
land binding.
3. That it Is not hard work to use the Binder; all that
we conversed with saying they would much rather work
i than bind by hand.
4. That it does not add much to the daft of the Reap-
er. Mr. Philips was working it on a six foot J. H. Manny
vvith two horses without fatigue.
This binder is manufactured by Emerson & Co., of
Rockford, Ill., favorably known throughout the West in
:onaection with the J. H. Manny Reaper, who sent to
3our enterprising Thresher manufacturers, Messrs. Harri-
son & Co., their agents, a number dt these Binders, which
being made and warranted by so well established a flrm,
were taken hold of by our best farmers, and cash orders
are now urged upon the agents, who are now unable to
supply any more. We, certainly congratulate our farm-
ers upon their happy escape from the hardest work of the
harvest field. Our farmers will, of course, look In see-
son for next harvest.-BeUlemile Democrat.

                     OP TBE

Nlalhon lotoal Insurance Company,
            TOB STHE YlAR iNDING
          DECEMBER 31, A. D., 12.
Veide tothe Governor of the BIate of Wiseensin, as re
quhred by the provisons of chantbr 103, of the Generl
Laws of 15s8.
otal amount of aocumulatlons ...........  6327,4M 67

Unimpaired premium notes of
  policy holders.$281,000 07
Cash on hand and due from
  policy nolders and agents,
  forcash premiums.          4,464 60
Office furniture and fixtures,  l,000 00  827,40 67
Whole No. policies issud     ..   .         2,061
AW& of outstanding risks thereon .. 9. 762000 00
Number of policies Issued in 1862,....       7.706
Am't of outstanding risks thereon .  $6,069,83 00
Amt premium notes thereon ,.106,23 98
Ain't cash preliums thereon, les ommis-
  sions toagents,-............            46,72 50
Anat interest                  .ed.    .     .              1i
Total amn't losm reported during  1 , ..  $17,74 16
Total ain't lo   pWid duribg 186S 89 In
  number .21,43 97
Ain't claimed fore les resided u fradulet  2, 00eo
Loses adusted and due .none.
loso adJasted and not due .none.
Loses unadj t           .ed.                92 85
Al other clms =agait the cempany.  .           50
Ain't paid for advertisig and postage,    16366
Aint paid for printing . ..............    so N
AmIt paid for policy stamps,                  6 o00
AmIt paid t     to Oom'r Inernal Boeenue    88 e2
xpse paid, Including all cempemation
  to Ofees and Diretls, staionary, extra
  clerk hire, Just, lighis and other I1ent-
  a expense ... . ....

