Wimconsin Parwser-AdverliiiV            Department.

         140 ACRES
   ToTree Pl4 teD an  Daer.L        Ndrtehdu'n                 w   odal the
attention of their
                    To Tm   aws amD~jwg jL tMjroraw t. TH"nits nd Petone
totheirlarge stock of
    T   tecrttbe. after twenty-one yeses experienoe is  Wisconsin Growr 
      Fruit and Ornumntnt
                    Wstwelv, of which were spent Ia
  tW I   CI Nurser      Wrinogula, offs omoollplete1  d it    Trees, Plaods,
G-pe  'iesu, Rnapibwe*,, da.
  b believed, UNEBQUJALLED ASSORTfl~b-T of                A sperb lot of
the " Richardson Rspber," the &.
  FRUIT    AID   ORNAXN        AL   TRUES,     mona hrdy sort, for this climate,
whlch went true
  SHRUBS, NIGRES GENOUBsd X                     Also a seperb collection
of STRAWBERRIES, including
     PLANTS, ROOT CRAFTS, NURSERY STOCK, Ac.,            TrioehdaGaudRivers,
Elisaand Victoria. These nesw
  Especially ad  ted to ths Northwest-at wholesi~e and  Sorts are fine, large,
showy berries, of excellent aulit
  retail, and at bLwest Ratesforsh only.             o an  xcellent collectlon
of R08ES, PA1AI,
    Our trees from here have been tried for yers in Wis  Rose scented, and
a large lot of SHRUML, Ac.
  consin and Minnesota, and ea far north as St. Paul, and         GROWN AND
      th augl  pproved. AJSend red stamp for Catalogue    B 00O  K   T WHEBB
  -adroiyce on any map how admirably we are located
  for shipping in all directions, but especially north-being  ' CataIlogues
sent gratis to all who apply, by encio-
  only 140 mile, from the Win, line. Read the following  ing a stamp to prepay
postage. Post office address,
        T E S T I M o N I A L S.                               ROBBINS A
               Elkhorn, WisconsIn, June 24tb, 19112    Octl-Sn.      Rock
Terrace Nursery, Afadisem, Wis.
   We, citioefs of Elkhorn Win., having purchased fruit
   trees sad other nurnery stck of Sauee L. Tubbs, aet
   for the Bloomangton, Nursery, Ill., F. K. Phoenix, I'ropri- N re y   St
  o  r  fn,    aa
   etor, would stale that in every instance we were highlyN wmery       Sto
    k   for   ,Ole.
   pleased and entirely satisfied with the manner in whic               
 our orders were filled. 6learly proving the selectonn to  Seedling Apple,
I and 2 years, ss2irted.$500 per I.O0
 have been careul    made, by a person swell qualified; Seedling Apple, 1
and 2 yearn 2d cho.ce,  3.00 per 1,000
 and we would adviseand recozmend all ahoare desiirous  Seedling Canada Plum,
1 yea.200...per.......
 of obtaining Fruit Trees, Evergreens, flu]h.,, Ornamental Pear Trees, choice
collection, 1 year ......20.00 per  100
 Trees and Plants, aud to hase their ordors promptly fill- Apple Trees, choice
collection, I and 2 yrs,.30.0( per 1,000
 ed, and have thrifty, htalthy tot, such ans are well adapt- Apple Trme,
choice crown grafted, I   year,t0.00 per 1,Ob0i
 ed to the changeable winters and unmmers of Wisconsin,  This Stock for number,
vigor and variety in unequaled
 to purchase them of Mr. Tubb8.
   H, F. Spooner. Ilenry C oCiisin, Ieter (;iden, y. L. iiol- by any In the
State, and beside the old valuable sorts,
 ley, B. V, Baboock, S. Ogden, W. Spoonr, W IL Pettit  embrae, a large collection
of new varieties, little known,
 B. B. Davip, J. F. Brett, Alex. Stevens, W. 11. Con-ar, L  but well tested
and found exceedingly desirable for the
 C. Merrick, 1. SMi-bury, Thomas Brande.     Northwest.
                                               STOCK GRAFTS AND ROOT GRAFTS
             :dpriuerybld, Wisconsin, June loth, 1862.  Will be put up to
order during Winter and Spring, of
  J0. L Tcasr , Esq.-Dear  r.-Ple     acept the  inkn  best chtice varieties,
old and new.
  of the undersigned for the promptness nud good faith    S10; per 10,000
  with which you have filled ourorders for Fruit Trees and  . itoo Gratcommon,
oneal aboe price.
  namental sirubs. We were particularly well pleased
  with the quality and also the condition in which they  Price CatLogue of
l    reil  Oraental TreeseSTrebe
  were delivered; we find them strong, healthy, and fresh  vergreens, Ac.
      Ad  ress,
  from the Yursery, giving unmifftakeable evidence of thor-set]..C      
   LM      i.  adisen, Wis.
  ough cultivation. jndclux selection, careful handling,
  and expeditious delivery; being in point Ef freshness and    N
  lg     uch puperior to trie, raised in a climate and soil
      nto our,_and exposed to the vicissitudes of a thou- BELLECOTTAGE  
 sand  thes    r ailro d transportation: and we in good
 foith recommend those fiesir,us of procuring fruit or or-    (One ,de Souii
of Janesville, Wispe.)
 namental trees to ordar them of you.
 David Williams, C. K. Phelps, S. RJohnson, A*mos e.1  InL        SELL the
ch,~iee-t collection of Apple Trees
 lower Otseru   ourl, A. Itoistatter, Win. Meadows, Frankr   for Wiseonuin.
No. 1, In hardiness, quaiity and
 FreytagO Charles D(vis, L. S Cary; J    J. Dl),wey, Ienera; preductienes.
6 to 8 fet high at $10 per 100 8  75 nr
 Dai.LuckpUeon-a. S.Repd. lloomfeld; P.d J. Sawyer, 1,000. No2,at$t. No.:,atI5.
 lulilington.                                per 1,000. Evergrnen, large
or ,nma11ll.

                                                F.as's, 'Iiu|s, (Cherr, Csreants-25
              Eat Troy, Wisconsin, J     -iie 14th. 1802.  iTRAWBERRIES..'l-n
at 50 cts. per 100; St per
  We, the und, rtigiied. do he~reby certify that we ordered  1,000; $10 per
from J. L. Tubbs, agent for F e. K. Poenix, fruit treep , dc.,  Cahoon 'ieplant.
25 cd. D$10, $M0.
the last spring; that said trees were received i  due tite,  Ten varieties
or choice *Jtaiiiiberrles.
in good order, grown, and in good healthy conditiinn    A    large assortment
of Grape Vines, Roses, Peonies,
and we can, frwn our own experience. recoulmeed those  Flowering Shrubs,
Plants Vines, Cc.
wishing fruit trees to order from the Bloomington Nursie-  "- Cash,
or good reference with all orders.
rie., through Mr. Tubbe, agent at Elkhorn, Wis.
  A. 0. Babcock, (. Lower, JI!0. Dorrance, If. B.             GEO. J. KELLOGG,
Clsrk, Ste~phen Field, J7. R. Stone.                                    
 Jo--7n.anesville, Win.
BlocimmingtonNursery, -    loonnn inton,                                R

                     F. K Phoenix             OHN F. RON,
        COLUXBUS NUESERI'.                       IMPORTE       MND BREEDER
  lTANsTEDs.-Experienced, energetic and     reponsibl  Of pures bred DURHAM
W nien. t. sell trees, etc., from our Nurseries.stckSHiE '. Offers for sae
a few choice animals.
lar'ge and nuususlywetug;rramortaentveryc~plet     MaeoW         neeaC.,Ws
Doalsas supplied on liea                          Mukiiorms.sh          C.
             BATEHAM, HANFORD A 0.           I. 0. address:
        13-Ml~ ~      ~    ~   slmus    hi.      jalysm      "Union
Church, Racine Co., Wis."