--_ __ ___~~~~~~~~~~~__1-  -               I__~~~~~~~~1.

t[rom a circular recently  tened by the Commissioner ef N1
                   AgiultUnre.]                         a
pjidatin,      ..            ..................... 26,975,55A
           AVtaree t~ .................... - 4S7, i9l  C
         slaves, ......................     ,963.7d  O C

    Tetal, iacluding luianUs .....................  31t749, gm

Area othe United Stales,.     sq. Mailes,   3,250,000
    A,!fro gapn of real snd pereomal p7        OlderOay,.56,150,66,68
  V37us of protinctionts of Inedustry,  1obr   ................. 1,900),000,0tl00....
Cash value of farms ...............  do .... SS7 2, Wo
Cash value of farming implemenbt and                   A
     machinery ....................   dollars... 47 .27, 4R 6 4.-6
Value of live stock, ....................  de . 1,107490,216
Value of 4md improved ..................do  I, 261,389
Valu eof lands unimprov ed ....................  '461508,2442
Wheat .ro .     ..................... bnshels...171,18S,881
Rye crop.....................   do       20,9T6,286 1
Indian corn .    .....................d........  R 30,461,707
   Oat crop    .     .     .......... d o......172,554,6MS
 Rice.         ..                         8 ound- 1S7,140,175
 Tobcacon...... ........o...             429,390,771
 Ginned cotton ............  ite. ,400 lN....  5,198,077  I
 Wool...........               pounds...  W,611,343
 Peas and beans ...........    bunhels    15,188,0131
 Irish potoces...........        do      110,671,201
 Sweet potatoes ...........do...........    41 ,tl,302
 Barley...........              do ...... 15,635,119
 Buckwheat .......................   do .....  17,664,914
 Value of orchard products ............ dollars. ..  19,759,361
 Wine.                         gallons     1,860,00S
 Productionsof marketgardeun .     d ollars ...  11,541,027
 Butter.                       pound.... 460,509,854
   Cheese..  .    .       .   .....      105,875,135
 Mlay.. tou.                 .....       19,129,12E
 Clover seed.                  bushels       929,010
 (ira s eed..................     do         090,386
 Ilemp, dew rotted ................. tos   R     53,247
 llemp, watr rotted................do         3,943
 Hemp, other prepared ................  do      17,800
 Flop...............             p. pounds11,010,012
   a.  ................           do.  .7.....,.83,0T9
 8ilk cocoons.......              do 6...     6,562
 Maple sugar.......               do......   8,863,8S4
 Cane sugar.......hbds...        The        302,205
 Cane molamses .........................  gallons 1...  1,337,080
 Sorghum molasses ......................... do  7,235,025
 Maple w    m .........................   do  1, 944, 594
 Beeswax and honey ..................... pounds  26,386,865
 Value hme-made manufacturesn... dollars ...  "4,368,2
 Value of cotton goods produced in the year
    end   Jne   ,    ................... dollars...115,137,921l
    Value of woolen goods produced  do ......  68,865,963
    eatoer w-du0ee         .        ....d  63,090,751
    Bootb and shoes manufactured in the year
    ending June 1, 10 .................. dolla   S9,549,900
  Value of animals alaughte red  ..  do  *   12, 71, 53
  Number of horses.7300,97-2
  Number of aooe and mull .1,29ti,3339
  Number of sep .24,232                          , S6
  Number of nat cattle.. c s tt      e      *F9S7,346
  Number of swine ............1...0........... ...  31;,W22,'76
  Agricultural Implements produced in the
    United States ...................   dollars ...  1, 0,-14
  Value of etewing machines ............... do  6  ,45
  Number of patents issued for improvemento
    and Inventions in agriculture In 1861         621
  Newspapers and periodicals, 1860 ...............  4,051
  Nalue  of steam  engines and machin.-
    ry...................         dollars... 47, 11 c, 660
                  MINERAL PRODUCTS, &C.

   Gold from California, in 1859 ......... dollar.' ... 4 7,74.4,462
   Silver coined at mint .....................  do .....  610,011
   Quicksilver ......................lasks.....   45,023
   Quicksilver, valueof ................... dollars ...  2,000,000
   Copuer ........................ tons.....      14,432
   Copper,   eof ..........................e.d rs  3,316,516
   Pig irgn. ......................................  S 84,474
   Pig Iron, value of ...................... dololar...  19,487,790
   Zinc....          ...,           tone.....  11,6S09

ne, value of ............   _ dlhv..... ...  72, 600
bad, value of        .    ...... dllar     7,281
lekel.  .     .    .        . tons...       2,348
hotei, value oL...........                ioi.2,17
Mal, anthracite ............  : ton.....  ,3N9,93
mal,bitumnodo             _..... ..                  5.776,077
nal, value of dol.             lars..... 1do.a6,76s
res of coal in United Rates ...q. A. ujilem.  2a0,000
Cli oil ......................... brrels  .   1.092,450
oal oil, value f....llrs...              i1,092.450
.&l oil, daily flow fronm weli in Pennsyl-
venis......                barrel    6      ,71
Salt, value o t manufactured in the Unitd ,
States. ISM6.....            dollars...2d6,   302
.ggrepgt  value of imports in, the year
   86tl ......................I lolhwn  ...4  .3,;50 ,4S3
Aggregate value of exports ..... do b     48.0. 44
Value of     under tthe- r-iproeity
treaty......                bolarl s     ,019,427
onunage of the United Stat .....   tOns    5.639,813
onnage, value of.....         ollars  *1l1,592,Or-
udirert trade.          d, :4,224,444
isherIH, , the- pr siuct of 18v0. do 1-2.924,09:
Fxcee of specie andl bullion imp rts ,ver
expcrts.....                 dollars   16.54N,531
levenue from Cstst and public lands......  49.42,784
rotal .,f ttbe natiojn! debt Decemnilr 1.
1lSt1.....                   dollar-.   . r ilOJ
F~stintiedt quantity  ot cin in the United
States......              000..000..  200.1 :.042
N umbe r of bank....2.       ..
tiok Capital .............................kla ..  421,890,095
      t ircu~xtionof bal^ ......................... do   *3ny£ 192,477
lircutation of banks.do                31714,2,977
  Spiritunun liquors distilld ............ pallons .. ,092,9N 3
  tpirilons liquors, vl - Iof..  dollar * 24.253,17ti
Malt liquors lreveeI ..............   galls  .....   23,545
  Malt baliuors, N.vain. ................... li S 1i01,15
                  RAILROAD5, &C.
  Aggrete length of rail tadilsI1tt mi. .  a-. 1,w/
CL.t of construction  .....................  1 4   2
(ity passe uger railroads ................. miles  40
Cost of construction ......................d...4rollrs:  I 4 S,840
Length Of internal navigation ......... miles  30,000
Dength of lines of telegrapih . .............. . I
Ily all act of Congress Of July 1, 18d2,
Charter was grauteI to the Atlantic anld
Parific Railroad Company, with a eapital
  of.                          eollars  1... ,0oo,0ooo
For the constructiolL of a railroal, ,ith
  branches, from the Miesieslppi river, t,
  the Pacific ocean, about ........... ... miles  180)
lu aid of this Colloseal enterprise, Congress
  han madeaver liberaldonation,bygrants
  of public land" lying on the route, and a
  loan of thirty years six per cent. United
  States bOnds, to the, amount of about    ,0),tO
  The nualtIr of principal colleges and psof es ial i:hools
Il the UniNtd States, including theological, las, and medii
ica, in 1860, was *33. By an act ,f Congress, of July 2.
  1862, mINmI I10.000,000 acrs of ipnl~lc land wrero appro.
  printed for the supp~ort of cullege> and achoa for the ben-
  e7,t of agriculture alndl the mechanic ari in th.- several
,Staten andI Territories of the Union. Five millon.' of per.
   ofareeivesl Instruction in the educational in stitutionS of
 tho Un~ite d States In the year endingg Juno, 1f60 . The sys-
 .ten, of con lionon  school ed luca ition lIsN bee u oIlopt  I  r nenrar-
 ly all the free States.

                 Army CMapI".

   According to the National Bannoer. the edi -
 tor of which has taken painM to ascertain, the
 chaplains of the army are:
 iM.iethodlsta.         ..   ....................... oe,- third
 New-School    by.terinns ........................ oue- h,
         D Cotionadb, ..................... aou-seventh,
                 2 lebns..............               . . . . . . ..one-sev
 1  B,, ....o.................oule-eleventh,
 4 OleA-fSehool Presbyterians ............oone - twentieth,
 ROm   Cratholic       ~         less than.......... uue-t stw tieth.


9 itomau CathoMc, ....................... lff" thau oue-t reutietb.

                                                      ____ I

- - - __ .- - -, -       . - XX 101 In                     "_ f

TR]$ WISCU.N4.LiN Z' AL x6 A -w -_-                                     
    __ I I
                                       -                             I

De, value      O .... . .......................
                                         'Y7- 4xi I I                   



                Army 11"Plallu,
  According to the National Raim'. the edi -
tor of which has taken paing to ascertain. the     i
chaplains of the army are:
New-school                                    fifth,
                          .......................... one -
                                    ..... ano-tieventh,