made with some of our party for an earlj
start, this morning for Washington. This
that has been just indicated, with ever s8
much that can never be written, has beer
three weeks in New York.
   Does any one suppose that the city propel
absorbed all of that just passed, precioui
three weeks'? We who have been wide awake
with real western enthusiasm, retiring at tw(
and rising at four, when we chose to, can tell
of certain glorious days, and half days-dayt
that seemed made on purpose for us to spend
outside. We took the hint, a lunch basket,
an old resident friend, an accomplished ex-
cursionist, and went,-where didn't we go?
  The day we went down to Sandy Hook was
my first experience on the ocean. Our steam-
er, the Merrimac, is one of the finest, and
larger than most of the regular passenger
lines. That day it carried banners and music
and a great crowd of friends escorting Mr.
Beecher to the City of Baltimore, upon which
were already a party of missionaries embark-
ed for their far missions of danger and good
will. Among these were air. and Mrs. Smith,
known to many of your readers. The sailing
of this little band, the majesty of the great
ship, the immensity of the great ocean, the
perfect day of God's blue arch bending over
all-these made an impression never to be
  One of the pleasantest of our trips out of
the city, was up Hudson river, to High
Bridge. I will not attempt to give its dimen-
sions, or speak specially of its structure. The
memorandum made at the time, mislaid.
Everybody knows it is a great stone bridge,
over which, through pipes laid on the top, the
water of the Croton, from thirty miles dis-
tant, is brought into New York, for the use
of its hundreds of thousands of people. Does
everybody kno* that the new reservoir, new
Central Park, has an area of ninety-six acres,
forty-five feet deep with walls of solid mason-
ry, substantial, yes, more so than those of our
proudest forts? God's forces, of which the
cup of cold water is a type of the grandest,
are mightier than any man can forge.

  I wish I could tell all who have never seen
it, about that bridge, so that they would seem
to themselves to have stood, as we did, under
its grand arches and sent Old Hundred up to
the God of the mountain and the rock. I
wish I could make all who have not been
here, see some of the days, and westward
gliding evenings, that we saw up bay, and
river, and island, and shore, until our dreams
were made up of the magnificence of earth's
best of sky, and water, and wood.
  The moments I had apportioned to this
sketch arc gone, and I have not yet spoken
of Greenwood, our visit to Fort Hamilton and
La Fayette, our sea bath, the Great Eastern,
the Lee Avenue Sabbath School, and other
things, some of which interested me more
than anything I have mentioned, and which
must have special notice hereafter.
  Before many days, I will send you a word
from the Capital.            MaRs. HOYT.

         Nice Things for the fildles.
  We hope that every good housewife in Wis-
consin who has it in her power to prepare any
nice thing in the way of delicacies, medicinal
drinks, or disease-preventing food, such as
wines, jellies, pickles, sauerkraut, &c., &c.,
will not allow the favorable season to pass
without giving to our noble patriot soldiers
this good proof of their sympathy and loyal
devotion to the cause of the country.
  With a view to this patriotic service, as also
for your own advantage, we have published
in this and the last numbers of the FARMER
numerous approved recipes for preserving
fruits and manufacturing medicinal wines and
other delicacies.
Blackberry Cordial is an excellent remedy
ror dysentery; and Elderberry Cordial is a
most grateful aperient or laxative.
Women of America! if to give a cup of cold
water to a needy disciple was accounted by
Christ as worthy of a reward, how much more
shaU ye be blessed if in this time of trial you
remember to give of your best gifts to the he-
roes who are giving their lives a sacrifice to
heir country!


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