Prizes for Old Subsoribers.-Some of our
long-tried friends have been afraid they were
to be left out in the eold. Not so, brethren,
It's a prety tough case to have to pay a bontts
to induce a man to. read a good paper, itself
worth four times-and actually costing very
nearly-as much as we ask for it, that's a
sure case; but then the press of the country
has very foolishly got the reading public into
the habit of being paid for doing their duty
to themselves, and we are bound not only not
to be outdone, but ourselves to outdo all oth-
ers. It now remaini to be seen whether pluck
and generosity will be rewarded by a corres-
ponding influx of subscriptions.
   e.Varly every paper and magazine, whose

publishers are giving prizes has, itself, been
raised in price.  The WiscoNsiff FARMED
stands unchanged, exeept that it has steadily
   Old subscribers are referred to Srat para.
 graph under head, "For Single Subscriptions,
 in advertisement, on cover.

   Many Friends Write Us that they have gen.
 erously planned to do a big thing for the FARMEs

 on election day. A good idea friends; v
 heartily thank you.

   South Down Buok for Sale.-A Queer Mis
 take.-By some interference of the devil o
 somebody else, an advertisement of a fin
 South Down Buck, ordered published by Sam
 uel Charlesworth, of Omro, appeared in th
 October number over the name and addres
 of James Davis, of Waukesha. Parties inter
 ested will take notice.


interesting to the Ladioo.-On the a"cWE
-.n of cover our lady reader. will find De ad-ertismel

.rm, tell us that their goods are alo of very superior
auslty, aud at least ten to twenty per cent lower priced
ban even at Milwaukee.

Tse Universal Clothes Wir-iner is noticed
lsewhere. See MeOcaniCal Department
Short morns of superior quallty for esae by Mai
H. Williamns of Baraboo, one of the beet breeders in
.be State.
J. C. Mc~insey, Attorney and War Claim Agent.
Fro m a personal acquaintance witlh Mr. Melinney's buai
rose capacity ud integrity, n* heartily recommend him
0 cur patrons.

See advertiseutent of Farm r, eslle ly Mrb. AJ. McFid-
ten, of Dane Co.

        J.  C.   M c LE        N E 1 , 1

            I 7 DEARBORN STRSET,
     Chicago,  :    :;::          inoi.
  PECIAL sttention given the colltction of soldier's
S claims for
 My former connection with the army onables me to
 prosecute claims undersitadisply and with promptness.
 Full instructions end appromd blanks furnished to
 those who wish to actrs agents, through me or otherwise,
 on reasonable terms. All letters asking for information.
 containing return stamp. will receive timmediate atten-
 tiou. All ktnds or CollecUois stiessd to.

              Farm far Rent.
M RB. A. J1. McFADDEN, of the town of Montrose,
    1Dane Co, Wi,, being sbout 18 mile, from Madison,
2> miles from Belleville, anud about 7 miles fronm nearest
station on B. & M. Railway, has a farm of about 160 acres
of Plough land meadow, which shte wishes to rent for a
term of 6 years.  adfarm has 80 acres of new groundon
its. An orchard which this year bore about 350 bushels
of apple, '7% acres of winter wheat, and a good chance for
wild posture, and a large spring rising on end running
tbrough the place, from which the farm has the name
of the ' Crand8pringFarm." There are tools and team
with it, but unless it is an object, she would not like to
rent them willt the place.
  Address             GF.RORE McFADDEN,
                        Relleville, Dane Co., Wi.


        A. W. SUCKOW

BIRRI MSonk   £aufacturt &      BMee  BtS A"t.

   CCOUNT Sooks of every description made to order
,of *uperior pnner and workmanship at moderate

of Millinery Goode, for sale, in gross or at retail, by G. T.  prtlo andwa
Nted to giVe saisation in every  ar-
Winslow. r                                         Ala r. s    or Bindig
and      ally
Kr. and Mrs. Winslow have been for many YOin      ADl   in  oi
this branch of business, and have lately estblished them-  xecuted to order,
and In the bent manner.
selve* In Madison at the urgent moliciation of friends    OLD BOOKS XEBOUND
                                                 The Subscriber, having had
a long experience ha the
who have had personal knowledge of their populsrity In  business feels a,"ured
that he can give entire satisfaction
their former place bf resdence in the  et. There never to ail who msvy f.vor
him with their patronage. both in
            h as b e ema lar ee dn sst c kfg o ds of thio h oIpr c ea n dw
o rk m sam ib p .
   has been so large i-Dnd 4  a stock of gohds of "  class in  PrOcrders
respectfully solicited.
Dane Co. before, and lases who know whereof they a1-                    
     B. W. SUCKOW.



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